University of Tennessee Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Georgia (accepted EA) and Tulane (deferred) were her “dream schools” but neither offer nursing.

She has a lot of thinking to do there.

If she decides she must have her major which she is not sold on I think UTK and SC would be a toss up. We have not seen either yet. Univ of FL is in the mix too but they don’t come out until February.

All that to say I don’t think she has a first choice yet.

UT was probably safety school for my daughter. She got into UT and UGA, waiting on Virginia Tech, UNC and NCSU. Probably will get into Va Tech and NCSU, not sure about UNC even with legacy (because of high school quotas in NC).

It’s definitely on the list but no strong 1st yet. There are a few college visits we still have to do but waiting on acceptances/denials before we go through the travel effort(all are early actions where we hope to hear by end of Jan). Once we have full view, DD will make the decision.

Yes, University of Tennessee is my daughter’s first choice, by a large margin. She will be attending for Nursing.


Mine was rejected for honors as well. Not complaining because she was accepted for Nursing. 4.125 UTK GPA, 31 ACT, 3 sport athlete and captain, NHS, volunteering hours and consistent private employment, etc.

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#2 choice for my daughter. Nursing major.


My daughter was accepted to Chancellor’s Honors Program. She has a 4.6 UT GPA and a 31 ACT. Top 5% of her class and editor of the yearbook. She was offered $15,000 merit scholarship but we are OOS so that only brings it down to sticker price for our in state schools.

Daughter accepted with 15k merit, Rejected for Chancellors.
1430 SAT
3.8 UW, 4.4W
5 AP and 7H (complete), 5 AP (in progress)

Public high school

2 honor societies, 4 year elected class officer, summer work (40+ hours p/w).

Volunteer Ambulance Corps (28 hours per month), EMT in training.

EC’s - Competive Irish Dancer (National level), 8 Varsity letters in 6 different sports, Captain for one.

Strong essays and recommendations.

3 year Advanced Science Research course resulting in Original Research paper (with University level PhD as Mentor) submitted to two National science competitions. (Regeneron Science Talent Search- Society for Science)

She is waiting on other schools, but this is probably #1.

She was delighted to be accepted to Nursing as this was most competitive class ever. I imagine that admissions could have filled Honors with the accepted Nursing students, but they are trying to get a cross section of majors.


eerily similar stats and ec’s to me :flushed: and i was rejected as well :woman_shrugging: would have considered going if i got honors but looking elsewhere now


No clear number one here. Got into honors at some other schools (wasn’t invited to apply here) but was really happy that he got in last night and got some merit. Will probably go to a few admitted students events offered by the schools before making a final decision. It will also be dependent on financial aid.

My daughter did not get into Honors. She has a 30 ACT, >4.5 GPA, and received a scholarship. I don’t know her UT GPA. We toured the campus while visiting with a friend and driving nearby but no official admissions tour. We also had a campus tour several years before with her older sibling (never applied) so didn’t feel it was necessary for us to do the official tour. I am wondering if they figured that we are OOS and didn’t visit so they felt she might not be as serious to attend. I am curious if visits and contact with admissions (regional reps?) may have been a deciding factor?

Son accepted to Tickle as a Nuclear Engineer. 4.65 UT weighted core GPA; 1550 SAT; 11 AP courses; 10 Honors courses; 2 Dual Enrollment courses; Accepted to Chancellors Honors and received 18K per year merit scholarship. Waiting to hear from Georgia Tech, North Carolina State and Florida (all schools with a B.S. in Nuc E).


“Level of applicant’s interest” is not a factor for Tennessee.


where are you all seeing your UT GPA?

It was in my daughters portal under one of the tabs.

It’s in the “GPA and Tests” tab. My son’s is blank. He was accepted and received a scholarship so I guess it didn’t matter.


Son accepted, OOS … also accepted to PSU, Clemson, its going to come down to campus visits.


1400 SAT, 4.4 GPA. 11 AP’s, around 600 volunteer hours. No Honors at UT. Interesting because did get in honors at the other 3 SEC schools she got in. Where she did get in honors she also was asked to notify them if she was not going to accept because they want to move down the list to the next kid. She asked UT about not getting in and asked about the possibility of getting a spot some chose not to accept and was only told they were sorry but just so many more applications this year. No further info. Odd but the process isn’t perfect I guess…


My daughter is OOS. She was accepted into UTK as a Nursing major. Her one reservation about attending UTK is not knowing anyone at the school (we live in Dallas). She would love to connect with other Nursing/Pre-Nursing students that are going to attend UTK. It is my understanding that there is an open house being hosted by UTK Nursing on February 24th and she will likely travel to Knoxville to check out the campus and the Nursing School. If anyone else is planning on attending would be great to meet others. My daughter is waiting to hear from one final school which has direct admit to Nursing before she sits down and has to make her final decision. Best of luck to everyone.

Daughter was Accepted
OOS (Texas)
admitted to The Tickle College of Engineering
admitted to the Chancellor’s Honors Program
15k Volunteer Scholarship
31 ACT
3.91 UW, 4.831W
5 AP and 8 Dual Credit
Varsity Athletics, Heavy Volunteer Hours, Employment, Leadership Programs

Her top choices are Lehigh and Penn State, but finances probably won’t allow it.
Right now, between Mizzou, Hofstra, Tennessee, and maybe LSU - The visits will decide.