University of Tennessee Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

We are from NY and we are going to the accepted student day in April (Big Orange Preview - April 22). I had not heard about an event earlier than that.

My daughter (Kendall) is on Instagram and Tennessee has an account that is getting the kids connected (UTK.2027). Kendall has met a few girls that were accepted to the Nursing program.

We visited the school in the spring and we have no concerns about not knowing anyone. The school does a very good job of getting Freshmen connected and assimilated.

Congrats and good luck!


I was looking at the Big Orange Preview Day, but is that actually an Accepted Students Day or is it just their normal open house?

I THINK that’s just their normal open house. I have “New Vol Roll Call” day on my calendar as 3/25/23.

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Did any communication come out about the New Vol Roll Call ? I must have missed it!

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Thank you! Yes, I think the event on 4/22 is a Preview event for next year’s applicants. March 25th appears to be the official accepted students day
“New Vol Roll Call.”

We have not received any formal communication on it. I do think it is slightly confusing that on the Vol portal where you see that you have been accepted
you can click on “Events” and they only show generic tours and a Preview event that is actually for future applicants.

Thank you all for helping.



For anyone waiting on a Nursing decision: admitted to 2nd choice major already
Please post here when you hear something? I’ve read in past years, it just pops up in portal without an update. Thank you and good luck!


Anyone having luck accessing financial aid offer with netid? Setup netid and password (I thought I did) but it won’t let me log in. I’m wondering if there’s a lag time after setting it up.

Yes, we were able to access, but set up the net ID a couple of weeks ago. Can you access the UTK email? I would think if you can do that, you can access everything.

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We were able to access it as well but as the last person said, you need to have your netID/Email set up. I’ll also say that it was slightly less than obvious exactly where to click to bring up the detail.


Deferred son here. Last Friday he updated his SRAR to reflect his 7th semester grades. The SRAR website confirms it was linked to UT but the Go Vols Portal has yet to show confirmation of the update. I’m assuming everything is in good order but would hate for something to be wrong since UT is his top choice. Is this the case for others where it’s nothing to worry about?

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You don’t say anything about timing - when was the SRAR updated? It’s likely going to take 48-72 hours for the SRAR to update over to U-Tenn. If you’re concerned about it though would suggest reaching out to whomever his admissions counselor is (or the general Admissions email address).

I wrote last Friday which is beyond the 72 hours

The general admissions mailbox is a good idea. Thanks.

Question: does anyone know if the University of Tennessee typically has any appetite to adjust a student’s Merit to compare to another offer from another school? They seem pretty set on their Merit, based on SAT Scores for OOS applicants, but just curious if it is even worth trying.

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Preface by saying that I have no idea what U-Tenn’s policy is.

I do think there is nothing to be lost by trying but be ready to commit. i.e. “U-Tenn is my sons first choice but we’re unable to make the financial picture work as presented. With an additional $X, you have your next Vol!”


My daughter is about to upload new GPA (went from a 3.82 to a 3.88) as well as first semester report card. I suggested she upload her test scores for new semester as well which are high 90’s. Anyone have any thoughts if this will sway in her favor?

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Nice work! I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt. There’s an “other scores” option to upload. Not sure if that’s what it’s meant for though.

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My daughter’s official grades are not submitted to administrators until 1/30. Her counselor said she would send 1st semester grades to all schools by mid February. Any advice on what to do if UTK deadline for all updates is 1/30?

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UTK requires a Student Reported Academic Record (you’re going to type into an website all the grades/scores). They’ll use those until such time as they get an official record. Also feel free to email UTK admissions directly - I’ve found them fairly responsive. I, personally, wouldn’t take information from a message board as gospel. :slight_smile:

Thank you!