University of Tennessee Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

I’ll add that if your kids scores improve - either GPA or SAT Scores by 7/1, UTenn will qualify you for the higher merit award. If your kid was on the bubble of their SAT score from one tier to the next it might be worth the $75 (or whatever it is) to take another SAT to to get another couple thousand a year in merit! Also incentive not to slouch senior year.


Same here! They just finished midterms and the grades won’t be in for another week. Not sure what to do about SRAR? Should he just leave it the same as the first round and then have the counselor send the mid year report when grades are all in?

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Our UTK admissions counselor recommended updating the SRAR as soon as she has verbal confirmation of her mid-year grades. We are waiting on one teacher that was trying to wrap up her grades this afternoon and then will update the SRAR even though the transcripts won’t be ready until mid-Feb. My daughter has a great relationship with her teachers and learned early to advocate for herself; they are all very responsive and supportive.

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I wasn’t aware you could update the SRAR with quarterly/mid-term grades. When I filled out in the Fall, all the senior year listing was what courses were being taken and we put in an IP (in progress) for the grade. Your school should send a mid-term updated transcript when the semester closes.

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Yes, in the fall the grades were listed as IP. You can go into the SRAR now and edit it to include your new grades. Once you finish the edits, SRAR automatically sends the updated version to the schools you initially sent the SRAR. My DD updated her SRAR last week and her updated GPA is now reflected on the Tennessee application portal.

Will SRAR send mid year grades to all schools? Even ones she was already accepted at?

It appears UT pulled in my son’s mid-year transcript on 1/24 which shows on the portal as “01/24/2023 04:50 AM - Midyear High School Transcript: [high school name]”. He uploaded one himself on 1/13 and we didn’t send anything in from Parchment so I’m assuming UT requested it. Is that possible? I’ve seen other schools do this, for example SMU. Unless it came from the SRAR which also requested the transcript be attached but that was completed on 1/14. :man_shrugging:

My school system is on a different system (Naviance) but once term grades close the counselor presses a button and their mid-terms gets sent through Naviance through Common App to the College. SRAR is a safety net - at least for us.

I did go into SRAR and I’m not sure how people are submitting mid-year grades. When you put in a class you elect that it’s a full year class (i.e. AP Calc) and putting in a grade implies you completed the class with that grade.


I don’t know the answer to that one. Sorry!

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Yes. My DS was already accepted to UTenn but had updated SAT Scores to submit. We updated that in SRAR and the next day it showed as transmitted/downloaded by UTenn.

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The UTK website gives specific instructions on how to update the SRAR for kids that are deferred. Here is the link:Status Update Definitions | Undergraduate Admissions
For many of the northern schools, ie. Fairfax, County VA, our mid-semester grades will not be available until the middle of February and will not meet the timeline for review. Thus, the SRAR update is our only option to have self-reported mid-year grades as part of the decision calculus.

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Okay, I think it’s UTK SRAR and not connected to any other colleges. Since it’s due tomorrow, she entered what she thinks is finally for S1 and left 1 class w IP - grade not finalized. She is also emailing her AO to let him know. We are not sure what else to do.

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I think you put full year and change credit to .5? We underestimated the grades. Oh well…

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Thanks - read through that link and it doesn’t really help.

When you enter the SRAR you put in each class as being either full year or semester (or trimester or whatever) and how many credits it is. If you put in AP Calc, Full year, 4 credits and then put in a grade - it’s going to calculate into your GPA like you got that grade for the full year. If you change the credits to 2 to correct for that your SRAR transcript is going to suggest you don’t have enough credits. You can manipulate the class into 2 separate classes for Fall and Spring semesters and put in the grade for Fall and IP for Spring but that would suggest the class is 2 separate courses (even though that resolves all the calculation issues).

This isn’t an issue for me us as my DS has already gotten his acceptance to UTenn - just posting for others that might be running into the need to update.


For the schools that require SRAR it’s essential to update it. Some don’t look at the transcripts or require them until you have accepted a place - they go off the SRAR for grades. I definitely know U Minnesota/ Twin Cities works this way.

I completely get it - for all that though you would think the SRAR would have a clear way of doing that which isn’t manipulating the structure of how things are entered to give an accurate picture of the grades. Just seems like a disconnect to me.

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My daughter was accepted into Nursing with her EA acceptance


My daughter was accepted into nursing EA as well.

I spoke to Admissions and they said that the majority of Nursing applicants were NOT admitted EA. In fact they said far fewer than they even thought were actually admitted in this first round and that the majority are getting a holistic view and will hear in February.

Thanks for the info! Did they say when in Feb?

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