University of Texas Canfield Business Honors Program Class of 2025 - UT BHP

Haven’t seen a thread for 2025 so I decided to create one

Feel free to share updates or leave questions here!

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interview invite received today

What did you submit your application? Thanks


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Received my interview request on November 10th, Interviewed November 11th, submitted application 10/18! Just anxious waiting now!! I still haven’t received any update about McCombs though :confused: I saw that one person in the CO 2025 thread was accepted

When do y’all think results will be released??

My daughter got accepted in CBHP today. She received a call followed by an update in her portal.


Congrats! Would you mind sharing stats and when you applied/interviewed?


She was interviewed on November 25th. She is OOS. 4.83 GPA, ACT-34, strong essays and EC’s. Have been the CEO of a nonprofit for 3 years , president of few clubs and DECA, VEI national qualifier

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She applied on sept 29th

Has anyone else been accepted or know of any acceptances?

Anyone got an interview or acceptance recently? Is there usually a lot of activity in January?

i had my interview at the beginning of december and I have only heard of a few acceptances in december

I had my interview around two weeks ago. I think a lot of decisions come out mid January but my friend was accepted in February last year!

I haven’t received an interview yet so I’m assuming it’s probably safe to assume I won’t be getting one?

I haven’t got one either. Was stalking last years thread and a decent amount got interviews in January and a couple in Feb, so maybe not completely outta the question.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I won’t get it lol. We’re chillin

Interviews last until early February!

For early applications, when do they have to notify us by? Is it February 1 like admissions?

Please excuse my ignorance, it is March 1