University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

I’d like to see more detailed admissions data, but suspect there are a number of factors at play. My perception (could be wrong) is that a disproportionate number of boys focus on a few highly competitive fields/majors (CS, engineering). So, if an applicant has a 1st choice major of Computer Science and 2nd of Electrical Engineering, or 1st Aero, 2nd MechE, they are setting themselves up for lower acceptance rate by being drawn to highly impacted majors. Exacerbating this is the relative lack of girls applying to these same fields… if schools want a relatively balanced CS or Eng incoming class, they need to accept girls at a higher rate because the yield will be lower (competition between schools for girls in STEM). Few schools publish the data to truly assess this, though.


100% are being that I’m one of them. Thing is if our state system actually worked I’d never have applied OOS, but because it hasn’t many are now flooding outwards and making it worse for everyone

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That makes sense and likely contributes to the challenge. A 52% acceptance rate for females and 42% for males does seem somewhat significant.

Oh, the issues we attempt to resolve while waiting on decisions!

This entire discussion just underscores how anxious and exhausted we all are. Don’t know about you, but I am so ready for some finality. We still have 10 more decisions we are waiting for in March and oh my goodness, it’s been hard.


No doubt! Feels like the (very anxious) “calm” before the storm.

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My son applied to 16 schools. Probably overdid it by at least 3, but with the past two years of Covid cycle, we didn’t really know what to expect and decided to add several safeties. Thankfully, he has already heard and been accepted to UMD, which is fantastic. But with his other parent in CA (and having grown up in Seattle), the kid has his heart set on the West Coast. We are bracing ourselves for the decisions on Friday and throughout the rest of the month as we are not really sure how his east coast transcript will translate to the West Coast. Anyway, I’m at least in a better place since I know he has a fantastic option with UMD, but it is still so very hard.


Good luck! Just think of this whole process like it’s fantasy football :slight_smile: Sometimes things happen and there no explanations. LOL

Things will work out for sure. He will definitely get some acceptances on the west coast. God bless!!

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I’ve got 15 more decisions to await hearing from, I feel the pain :')


I remember you from the UMass Amherst thread. I think like my son you were admitted and invited to Honors college, which is a fantastic accomplishment.

you’re correct, yes I was! I was also recently invited to apply for the BioTAP program (which is invitation only fyi). and thank you!!!

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Absolutely! I am ready to write a book on this experience! jk.

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Going through it this year, I can definitely see how so many pray on anxious students and parents with all the “college counseling services.”


Precisely my thought! We spent a fortune on the counselor but I don’t believe it was value for money at all.


We started down that road and then stopped b/c the value proposition was simply not there. But I know so many who buy into this stuff. Now, that is not to say that there aren’t good counseling services - certainly there are. But the large majority of this market is flooded by opportunists.


Ugh, don’t get me started on the highly recommended, highly paid counselor… :rage:

I will just say though that this is specifically the UW 2027 thread. I am sure that there are lots of parents and students eagerly watching any activity in this thread to see when decisions start coming out, so I am probably not the only person who wishes it would stay on the topic of UW admissions a little bit more :wink:


Yeah, sorry went off track.

Back to UW. No changes on portal for us, any new admits reported?

Same is my story. I will have to debate between OSU and UW Bothell but as of now more inclined towards UW Bothell if do not get CS direct admit in UW Seattle. DMed you.

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Me too 100% This whole college experience this year has been crazy and I honestly feel like it’s a lottery. I do believe when the dust settles, and any disappointments are behind us that all the kids will thrive and end up where they are supposed to be but the waiting is torture.