University of Washington, Seattle Waitlist 2025


Iā€™m hopeful that is not the case. It doesnā€™t say that on the website but may be true in past practice.

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I hope someone can clarify it.

Does anyone have insight on how students are chosen from the waitlist? I assume there is an in state and oos list. Is it first come first serve or do you think a constrained major makes a difference?

I had to enter my daughterā€™s grades, which are good but not the straight As she applied with. She only had one B, one semester in prior years. Thanks to remote learning itā€™s Bā€™s and Aā€™s with a C in AP Calculus. :frowning_face:


There is no ranking to the waitlist. If they need to use the waitlist they will look at the original application and what you submitted in the form to accept the waitlist offer. There are separate waitlists for OOS and in-state. Itā€™s really hard to tell how many people will get accepted off of it. Some years none will and other years about 3/4 get accepted off the list. Iā€™m wondering how covid will impact this years list. I guess itā€™s just a waiting game from here. Hope this was helpful !

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Totally helpful. Thank you.

Does this mean that the waitlist outcome results in general un-declared admissions? or it could lead to capacity constrained majors too? I assume there will be kids who get into capacity constrained majors who choose to go elsewhere

You are not alone in this I think. My son had two AP Bs in Fall. His school was back and forth remote all year and he didnā€™t get the better teachers at his small school. Itā€™s been a hard year. Good luck to your D!


I got waitlisted and iā€™m in state I was able to finish off my first semester with straight Aā€™s and I put that into the coursework section for the waitlist form. Iā€™m hoping this helps me get off the waitlist!

Same with me ! Waiting itā€™s going to so hard !

Many universities are using higher number of ā€œwaitlistingā€ to ensure they have enough acceptances for the 2025 class. This year students applied to many more schools, and admissions cannot accurately predict how many offers will be declined. So, they create a long waitlist to hedge against the possibility of many students declining their offer. You have a good chance. But, itā€™s best to consider other offers just in case.


For the waitlist form, what did you guys put for this semesterā€™s grades? In progress or left in blank?

I just left it blank

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We left blank also. My D is a Running Start kid and she could only enter Fall quarter grades. I called AO and they verified that is what you are supposed to do. They said they only want recorded grades.

I just finished a quarter today and the grades are going to be finalized this weekend. Do you think i should record the As i got this quarter and leave the rest blank that are of next quarter?

I submitted my waitlist form last night, and didnā€™t get any type of confirmation email. Did any of you get a confirmation email?

I didnā€™t get one.

Nope no confirmation. But you can only submit the form once so I think weā€™re good.

I just checked and on the portal it says they received it!

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Is anyone planning on submitting an appeal?