<p>hey so i realllllly want to go to ND, but i was one of the unlucky ones on the waitlist last year (they didnt take anyone off it...tear) I obviously had a good enough app to get a waitlist but im wondering what ill need to get in as a transfer....i've already taken classes that go with the suggestions on the ND website...so far i have a 3.59. Since UW is such a big school and ive been really detached from it because ive wanted to transfer ever since the first week of school i haven't gotten nearly as involved as i was in high school. what do you think my chances are of getting in to ND from UW? give it to me straight :)</p>
<p>A 3.59 seems low for someone wanting to transfer into Notre Dame. Obviously your HS stats were good, but how good? Do you mind posting them, as that will give me a better idea of you overall.</p>
<p>oh snap...well i had a 3.9 HS varsity and captain in sports, ASB treasurer, Leadership in orientations, retreats and the like, leadership positions in community service clubs, jobs, volunteering at church/schools, all of the honors society dillios....
yea i know a 3.59 isnt too hot but i was hoping that the previous waitlist helped me out a bit...the reason by the way that i have a 3.59 is that i am taking classes like calc II and science so that i have the more attractive/tranferable credits on my college transcript (i heard thats one of the best things that you can do to up your chances at a school)
hate to sound like a plea case but i love the school and im definitely going to apply for transfering i just wanted to get an honest reality check so that i can prepare myself for the worst (not getting in)</p>
<p>I know two people who were waitlisted from ND originally who got in last year as transfers: one from Miami of Ohio and one from U of Dayton. I know that this isn't overly helpful because I don't know their GPAs, but I just thought it might give you some encouragement!!!
Mal :)</p>
<p>is the U. Washington in seattle?? I always thought it would be nice to go to school there? Do you like it?...other than the fact you'd rather be at ND</p>
<p>Dawg I got a chuckle about your comment of a 3.59 GPA at the University of Washington isn't too hot. I just think some of you kids don't have a proper perspective or a positive perspective on your Academic accomplishments.</p>
<p>To get a 3.59 you had to have mostly A's with a few B's or perhaps a C. Hardly a poor performance at college.</p>
<p>haha yea well i guess i got used to having higher numbers in high school...oops.
but yea UW is a great school do doubt...its just not for me. (and yes it is in seattle, a very cool city) but yea, its two big for me, its in state, and most importantly (at least for me) i dont really feel the sense of community that i was hoping for at a college...
oh and thanks for the words of encouragement :)
and does anyone know of anything concrete i can do to help my chances as a transfer?</p>
<p>Dawg, that sounds a bit more positive, Seattle is one of those love hate cities but it is a beautiful area. It's obviously not for everyone and by the sounds of it not for you. I think your decision has three components, where do I want to go, what do I want to study and who offers it, and then lastly can I get in. the tools at Princeton Review and Peterson's can help you with the first two, I'm not sure how well they handle the transfer aspect. I've included the links for both of those sites below.</p>
<p>Good luck</p>
To get a 3.59 you had to have mostly A's with a few B's or perhaps a C. Hardly a poor performance at college.
<p>I didn't say that it's not impressive; however, it isn't a very competitive GPA for someone wanting to transfer into a top school like Notre Dame.</p>
<p>might i ask what is an impressive GPA to apply to a school such as ND?...and brand what else would you suggest to make my transfer app more competitive...</p>
<p>from a school like UWash (good, but not top), I think a 3.7+ is competitive; that is, competitive enough to consider a school like Notre Dame a match. I still think you've got a good shot, especially since you were on the waitlist and had such great high school stats. To make your app more competitive, continue to take core req. classes and do well in them to raise your GPA up a bit. If you're applying now, you should be able to get a mid-term into ND in time. Good luck!</p>
<p>dawg: i know why you want to leave its cause the dawgs just can't seem to pull it together in pac-10 play this year. out of curiosity where did you live? i was a freshman last year and transfered out and started out stuck in mercer.</p>
<p>a 3.7 is good from uw i think you would be competive, but i mean you really want to be an irish fan?</p>
<p>haha funny thing i am sitting in my mercer hall dorm room right now...where did you transfer to?
and yes i have been an irish fan for many years :)...</p>
<p>Dawg your still sounding a bit like Rudy. Why don't you give ND a call and ask them what your chances are. Since I was a bit curious myslef I found this on the web just now. Perhaps you have seen it:</p>
<h1>Applicants must have completed at least 27 transferable credits (note: online courses are not transferable) and be eligible for sophomore status (Notre Dame does not admit second-semester freshmen as transfer students.)</h1>
<h1>The minimum cumulative grade point average for consideration is a 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale), although in recent years the average for admitted students has been a 3.60.</h1>
<h1>In most cases, spring term grades are required for fall semester admission.</h1>
<h1>Transfer students must complete one-half of their total degree requirements at Notre Dame.</h1>
<h1>No admitted transfer applicant is enrolled at a level higher than first-semester junior.</h1>
<h1>The Transfer Committee gives strong preference to students who have completed the Math, Science, and English Composition requirements specified by the college (available at</h1>
<p>i actually got out of mercer and into lander for winter quarter. but i just came back home and go to a california community college and transfering to one of the uc's next year, cause its easier from a community college. bummer on mercer i was in mercer 2 west.</p>
<p>wow small world mercer west represent...
okay so i am trying to find some schools that have a similar ND feel (community and strong academics) but might be slightly easier for me to get into...i do not mind religious affiliation (i'm catholic so i would have a slight preference for catholic/jesuit institutions)...if anybody has any ideas feel free to share...</p>
<p>boston college and georgetown</p>