University of Wisconsin Early Action Fall 2023

Do you have a better chance of being accepted to the honors program if you apply earlier? I’d really like a break from writing college essays but I’m wondering if I need to make sure to get it in by the Priority Deadline.

Yes, get it in ASAP. I have a kid who decided late and waited. He had an ACT 34, 4,0, 35+ college credits, deep extracurriculars. He jumped through the honors application and got a letter that basically said the program was full. Almost everyone who applies is accepted is my understanding and you can drop it later if you want.

My kid is still graduating with honors. There are different paths to take to be an honors student. But I do think it can be a good social direction at a large school. Though I don’t think there is a shortage of high stat, academically minded students at UW Madison.

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Way late here.

Admit-Education History
11 APs
4.5 wGPA not sure u/w
31 ACT
1410 SAT
no ranking
4 yr varsity tennis two year Captain
Tons of normal ECs but help started a club and held various leadership positions.
Worked a couple of jobs.


Tell me more about the honors program. My understanding is that it’s more ‘loose’ than at other state flagships, but I don’t know much else about it. S23 is admitted for engineering, so I’m not worried about having him finding academic peers. (Although from what I’ve been reading on this thread and hearing from S23’s classmates, everyone who got in at all was a top student!)

So, are there any other the benefits of the honor program besides the social connections? (i.e. early class registration?) And how much of a time commitment/extra hoops did you S find it to be? Overall, do you recommend it? TIA

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I only know wha I’ve read so far. D was accepted EA and has already applied. She would be in L&S so she’s drawn to the Honors sections of classes (smaller, discussion based) and the thesis, which I believe you can do without being in the Honors program. There’s no housing benefit, no priority registration. Possibly some scholarship funding you can apply for later on.

Did anyone get notified of Mercile J. Lee scholar award during EA notifications? I can’t get a response from the admissions office whether or not all of these awards have gone out (they don’t seem to respond to any email messages). It’s a strange year because in the past this award was a separate application. This year it was not. I realize the award is a long shot!

My daughter was told you cannot change your major during application process only once you’ve been accepted.

Did you guys call and ask

Does anyone know how Wisconsin prioritizes freshman housing? Is it a randomn lottery or does accepting earlier make a difference?

It is a lottery. There is no priority given to accepting early and/or completing the housing application early.


Perfect thats what I could tell from on-line but wanted to confirm.


UW-Madison does not yield protect. Their yield as it is is almost too high for their liking; yield protection would be harmful. UW-Madison is simply becoming a very competitive school.


I am wondering the same thing. I assume because it did not come in her acceptance letter that she did not get the award. However, I have not seen anyone say that they have received it yet.

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Thanks for responding. I have seen a couple posts on other social media sites (2) indicating there are students that received it. Was hoping that it might be an option for my son. He’s got really good merit $$ at other schools and while recognizing that it would be unlikely at Wisconsin, he’d love to be there. The other offers are ones he just can’t turn down. Anyway, maybe grad school in Madison? We’ll hang on and not decline until the last minute hoping that DS gets lucky!!

Possibly. But at our school, a few students with much lower stats (in the same course load) were accepted and those with high stats - 1500+, straight As, leadership and ECs were deferred. Wisconsin’s loss as all of the admits are not going, whereas our applicant really, truly wanted Wisconsin. Hoping for RD, but this year it seems tough.

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Same here. My DD already has two full ride/merit scholarships at other schools, but I was kind of hoping that this would come thru for her. If other people have already received it, then it is probably done. Thanks for the info.


For those who were deferred and are uploading mid-semester grades–my daughter’s school doesn’t give a semester grade for year-long classes. Not sure if I should average the two quarters or just put in the second quarter grades? Have other people run into this situation? I was going to average and just put a note of explanation in the comments…

I think it had a place to choose semester vs. quarter so maybe if you choose quarter it will let you put in both Q1 and Q2 grades rather than averaging?


For deferred students, do they have to submit LOCI?

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It was trimester or semester. I went back and forth and ended up putting in Q2 grades and explaining in the comments. School has also sent grades.

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