University of Wisconsin Early Action Fall 2023

If they were deferred, I wouldn’t expect to recieve a merit scholarship.


“buyer” school??.. did not understand…can you explained? thanks

i dont think flagships (esp good ones) are ever buyers…maybe Madison seems to be a buyer in comparison to Michigan or UVA or UCLA but not in the overall scheme of things.

the buyer/seller terms apply more to the private university landscape as described by Selingo

Dont be discouraged by a deferral (unless its a hot major like CS, engineering or business) - send in LOCI, mid term grades and you should be good (but def dont expect merit esp OOS)

DD22 was deferred then accepted to OOS Madison and she is there now with 4 of her HS classmates! (and when DD24 applies - i am coaching her to expect similar pathway as OOS applicant)

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I was under this impression, as well, although my daughter received $23K/yr from UCONN OOS so…that was a pleasant surprise. UCONN has a slightly lower acceptance rate than UW-M, but I believe a little less sought after by OOS students than UW-M.

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If you read through this full thread, you will see that many, many very high-stats OOS students were deferred this year, at least in the EA round.

And re: merit scholarships, if you read the Madison scholarship info closely, you will see that they are VERY intentional about equity and inclusion. Many if not most of their merit scholarships are now earmarked for students who historically would have been underrepresented in higher education.


Thanks for the Selingo reference…Ezuckie…Are you kidding me UW Madison is a buyer school? ( less recognizable, need to discount tuition…)… Anyways good luck to you!! hope eventually you get in :wink:


I hope you are correct. Our OOS, very high stat applicant really wants Wisco and was deferred in EA.

When are the date/s for everyone to hear?

My kid is CS major😬.and yes high stats too. But I can tell you that a vast majority of kids from his HS were deferred too. And anyone I talk to in neighboring towns, and even across states say most deferred too. They must have been bombarded by apps.

He sent all required grade updates, work and volunteer updates and an additional LOCI… so we wait.

It’s brutal out here. Money flowing from certain places and nothing , not a dollar from others.


Yeah, UW-Madison has a massive international academic reputation. Lots of Nobels and advancements have built and sustained that reputation.

We’re an original (1900) member of the AAU – along with Cal-Berkeley, UChicago, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, UPenn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale

Not a buyer school…


Admitted Students Days – daughter is in EA and wants to visit, but the 2 days in March for admitted student days are tough for us to fly out from CA for. I assume – but don’t see posted anywhere – they will release new admitted student days after their RD come out? Can anyone confirm there are April dates for admitted student days? Is the EA/March days even worth attending for what must be a relatively smaller cohort?

Admitted Student Information Session AND Campus Tour
03/17/23 10:30 AM to 12:45 PM Central
03/20/23 10:30 AM to 12:45 PM Central
03/25/23 10:30 AM to 12:45 PM Central
03/27/23 10:30 AM to 12:45 PM Central
03/31/23 10:30 AM to 12:45 PM Central

so far those are the dates…guessing you want a time/days before to think about it …before final decision on may 1st.!?

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Unless you are talking about engineering… is just 2 days on March…10 and 24…

they have a lot of dates on April…you have to log in with your NetID

Click on: Are you an admitted undergraduate student? looking for our admitted student events? View our events for admitted students

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I was admitted EA and was able to sign up for an admitted student info session and tour on 4/17. I was sent an email with some dates and there were a couple April dates.

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D still waiting on other decisions but currently UW is #1 choice. Time to think about housing. Any suggestions for a “wish list” for an early riser, wants to do club running, spends many hours/day seriously studying, but is also social and wants to be in a friendly sociable dorm (not a drunken party dorm though). Proximity to lakeside trails, coffee, library, and a fitness center probably high on her list. Thanks!

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The dorms closest to the fitness center also have the reputation for being the most social IMO — Ogg, Witte and Sellery (all of which will finally be done wit renovations by fall)


Sellery and Witte are louder party dorms … the new recreation center is opening closer to Lakeshore dorms

Go lakeshore … near new center, trails … can head to party area when want yet get the chance to get away from it too


D23 wants to visit for Badger day, but online the only dates are late March, which are hard to make due to international travel she’s committed to. I assumed dates in April were already full and hence not showing – but Admin email to us says that they haven’t released April Badger Day events/signups yet. Is that true – I thought I read some folks signed up for April dates? Any additional community info is welcome!

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I signed up for an “Admitted Student Information Session AND Campus Tour” in mid-April. But maybe this is different than Badger Day?