University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

How do you see if you were admitted or not on the portal. All mine says is 1 active application

Click on 1 active application.

SAT: 1470
GPA: 3.87

Deferred from College of L&S
1460 SAT
770 WH
720 USH
6 APs (5/6 5’s)
3.5 UW GPA 4.0 W GPA
Too 30% Class Rank (RIP lol)

Congratulations new Badgers! Glad so many have heard.

Accepted!! (college of letters and science as econ major)
OOS from California
32 ACT (35 E, 34 M, 32 R, 28 S)
5 APs (junior: enviro sci, statistics; senior: micro/macroecon, calc ab, chemistry)
3.9 unweighted GPA, 4.02 weighted (it’s about to go down this semester lol)
Happy to share my common app or supplemental essay. I thought they were really good and I think they definitely bolstered my application.

Daughter accepted!
33 ACT
3.75 UW/3.95 W
8 APs
Multiple leadership positions in service clubs/organizations; captain of multiple varsity sports; very good essays.

Congrats to those accepted and good luck to those deferred (other daughter was accepted after deferral–so keep your spirits up).

33 ACT
3.7 UW/ 4.1 W
9 AP’s, 3 IB’s
Good EC’s

I didn’t realize there were so many people from Long Island on here!

I just re-checked my portal since my phone wasn’t allowing me to read my decision letter last night. All I knew was that I was admitted, but I just learnt that I was selected for the Mercile J. Lee Scholars Program!
(Quick Stats: 4.0 UW GPA, 1580 SAT, 800 Math II, decent ECs)

that Thank you!

Son accepted!

CS Major
ACT 35
3.95 UW/ 4.41 W
National AP Scholar
Decent ECs

Daughter Accepted
ACT 33
3.75 UW 4.4 W
7 APs
Good ECs

People who received the delay email, when do you think we should expect a decision? I know they said the new year, but do we think that means closer to when the office reopens, or later?

My daughter was accepted to the School of Education. This was her desire, but we thought you couldn’t be admitted until jr. year. Does anyone know about this? Is it a full admittance to SOE? Is it a kind of pre-admittance? Thanks for any insight.

4.3 GPA w, 3.98 is
8 APs/11 offered by high school
Over 1000 hours volunteering in children’s theater group and founded a special needs theater group
Lots of ECs and leadership
No legacy

Are people’s financial aid award document showing school grants + loans, or just federal loans?

Deferred from business.

34 composite ACT
3.73 UW / 3.87 Weighted GPA
5 AP’s

DC got accepted into CS (College of L & S)
1580 SAT
3.95 UW GPA (4.98 W GPA)
12APs by the end of senior year.
Question : How competitive is the CS major at U Madison? Its ranked 13th for CS.
Also heard that kids have to take some weed out courses to stay in the program. Any idea?

I’m from Illinois and did not receive the delay email but still haven’t heard back. Anyone else?

@staycalm123 my kid is a CS freshman. I think many many students start CS and there is natural attrition through the first couple years as students get through those weeder courses. Your student should have NO trouble if they can prioritize academics effectively. In particular if they have done any CS course work successfully that makes for a good set up. It is an excellent program and those grads tend to do very well. As far as I can tell, they do not have hard caps on how many they accept into the major. I think natural attrition helps and I think they are working on expanding the program to accommodate more.

@jayrow Her intended major must be within the School of Education so she is accepted into that school. After about two years of coursework she will apply to her program. My daughter is in the School of Education as well and will apply during her sophomore year for her Elementary Education major.