University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

Deadline is the end of the this week. Thought I’d start this up. My son submitted his about a week and a half ago.

I submitted mine 10/8 and my transcript just got in today. When do you think its estimated to hear back?

My son applied this week as well! Thanks for starting this thread.

Yes, thank you. My daughter applied this week. When are their EA decisions expected?

I think it’s typically right before Christmas.

Does Wisconsin allow self-reported test scores or does a score report need to be there before 11/1 for EA consideration?

@karen0, I believe they need an official score report. Its best they receive it before Nov 1 deadline to be considered in the EA pool, but I’m not entirely sure.

Last’s year EA group started hearing Friday evening December 21. My kid got an e-mail early morning Saturday Dec 22.

Thanks for starting this - my daughter applied EA. It’s not one of her top choices, but I’m hoping she will give it serious consideration if she gets in. Also hoping for direct entry to the business school. Good luck!

My son submitted his early application on 11/1 along with a few other ones. He entered all his SAT and AP scores in the common app profile section. However, when reviewing the final PDF before submitting, he saw that no SAT scores nor AP scores showed up on the PDF. So he doubled checked one more time but when re-run for the final review, the scores still did not show. He had to submit it anyway. What’s strange is that for the two other applications that were submitted before the Wisconsin’s one, the scores did show up correctly.

Did any of you have the same issue? The school will get the SAT scores directly from College Board anyway so I’m not really worried about it so I’m more concerned about his AP scores not showing.

SAT and AP both come from the college board. Wouldn’t be super worried. Scores only really matter after you are admitted, though I’d assume they wouldn’t hurt to be included in the application! Good Luck

Wisconsin blocks the ACT/SAT scores as part of Common App submitted all as they require official score reports. You will see this on some other colleges as well who do not superscore and/or accept self-reported scores. It’s an option for each school. So, nothing to worry about.

@MSR. Thank you very much. I was worrying that maybe something’s wrong with my computer.

Apologies. I note in other threads people will list student stats. I’ll start with my son’s stats. He may have more “extras” that I’m not capturing. This is off the top of my head. In response to an earlier comment, UW isn’t my son’s top choice either. But I believe it is his #2.

SAT:1440(used his ACT)
Unweighted GPA: 4.2
Rank: 24 out of 1016
Extra: 1 varsity sport (3 year captain); marching band 3 years (section leader and officer); state concert band (bassoon); several clubs. President of one; officer of at least one other. NHS.
State Residency: PA
Ethnicity: Cauc
Gender: M
Applied date: around 10/21
Applied Early Action?: Y
Intended Major: Nuclear Engineering

Same thing happened to me, It is because Wisconsin chooses to not look at self reported scores and they go by what you send officially through College Board and ACT. It says somewhere on Common App that that is their policy. No worries

Early Action will hear back around December 21st. Regular decision will be around March 25th. Wait-list will then be open from about March 25th to the end of July.

Unweighted gpa 4.2- does this mean the HS gives A+ grades?

I don’t know about that specific high school, but many high schools grade AP or IB courses on a 4.5 or 5.0 scale. So, a student who takes 4 regular classes and 2 AP classes/year, can get about a 4.2 with all As.

Let’s say that you’ve submitted your application before the deadline and all the required documents (transcript, SAT scores, etc.) have also been received before the deadline. If you send additional documents (SAT Subject scores, AP scores) afterwards and the college has not started to review the application yet, would those documents be included in the review process?

If an AP or IB class is a 5.0 (or anything above a 4.0), that is weighted. When discussing unweighted GPAs it’s a 4.0 scale. That’s why colleges recalibrate GPAs to a consistent scale.