University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

@gobadgers1234 per uw madison scholarships faq “Incoming Letters & Science freshmen will be notified between February 1 and April 15, only if offered a scholarship. If you do not receive an email communication by April 15, it is safe to assume a college scholarship will not be awarded.”

When are they expected to release decisions do we know?

I got a decision 5 mins ago, wasn’t expecting one till this Friday!

**How do you view your decision on the websites?

How long after your decision did the EA admits get their financial aid packages? My son applied EA, was deferred, and got accepted last night.

Son got in UW -Madison
SAT - 1380
GPA - Weighted (4.5), UW - 3.81, few ECs

Would like to know about OOS scholarships,

Anyone’s Senior get waitlisted? My daughter applied for EA, was deferred & as of last week is now waitlisted for Biology - BS L&A pgrm. She was accepted right away to U of MN & U of UA with scores/gpa well above the avg accepted range. Very frustrating w/ everything else on hold/postponed/cancelled right now that she can’t at least begin to make plans for next year. I hope they don’t drag the process out too much longer; she just wants to know either way. Anyone have experience w/ how this process works and/or how to accelerate it?

Hello everybody. I know this is not the correct thread to post this on but I wasn’t really sure where to post it. I am currently someone who has been hit very hard financially by the coronavirus and I was wondering if anyone here has or knows someone that has completed the request action for more financial aid for wisco due to the coronavirus. Thank you.

Congrats to everyone admitted. If anyone has any Wisconsin-specific questions, feel free to ask! (I am a current student at Wisco!)

@kkendall are you getting the vibe our freshman year is going to be online? I’m so sad because I was so excited:’(

@Narnian02 It is really hard to say tbh. I am really of course hoping it is not online. The biggest thing that has me worried is that the news is talking about a possible coronavirus resurgence in fall. Lets hope not though, because at some point we have to get back to normal life. A vaccine is not gonna be ready anytime soon and so we can’t just stay in this quarantine mode forever until that is made. One epidemiology student at UW speculated on our reddit (r/UWMadison) that maybe bigger lectures will be online, while smaller discussion will meet in person. We’ll see, I really really hope that it is not online. There is really no way to know for sure right now, so anything we think is purely speculation. Fingers crossed!

Did you get?

She took no AP classes. I know that’s unusual for these days. She was in a mix of regular and honors classes at one of Massachusetts top public high schools. She is a education major and I think the extracurriculars (coordinating volunteers and working at an elementary school after school program, volunteering for a reading program for K-2 on the weekends, being a TA at the high school in the math dept and interning her whole senior year with one of her old elementary teachers as well as having been a CIT and junior counselor at her old summer camp living and working with the kids the 2 summers before senior year). Her background screams elementary teacher in training! Solid SATs 1390, 3.97/4 GPA, Cum Laude Society and she’s an excellent writer so she got a lot of positive feedback on her admissions essay. Honestly her college counselor was a big proponent of crafting your “narrative” and hers was pretty easy to craft based on her actual interests. Sorry if TMI! Good luck with the applications.

Why is there no thread for class of 2025? Anyone know when ea decisions will be posted? Will it really be end of January?