University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

Sons letter indicated Comp Sci major in L& S…

Still trying to weigh differences between UMN Engineering Comp Sci program and UW L& S Comp Sci program. Any thoughts?

Have older son in UMN CSE college for CS now. Very happy there. Younger son applying to both UW-M and UMN now for CS. Really liked that UMN has a college of Engineering and Science under one roof…not the L&S and ENG divide. Believe both programs have similar high standing as CS programs. UMN graduates a lot of CS majors, so building up a strong program there. If you are a resident of either state, you are a big winner. In state tuition for either program is a gift. USN&WR, Niche, Best Value rankings all very similar, as are admit rate, graduation rate, need & non-need aid. UMN gets nod for total cost if you are OOS. I don’t think you can make a bad decision going with either. Good Luck!

Have your son look at the graduation requirements as well as requirements, suggested and available courses in the major for each school. My son added CS to his UW honors math and was very theory oriented. Does your son tend towards the software theory or practical engineering aspects of CS? sciences are part of a liberal education, I’m glad UW plces them there and not with engineering. Eons ago UW chemistry major, btw- the computer science building was there 50 years ago as well.

If the two options are fairly equal to him he also needs to look at the overall school. Which campus culture most appeals to him? Things like that. It likely will come down to some intangible “gut feeling” that helps him choose. Once decided he needs to look forward, never back at what if’s.

Spoke with Admissions, supposedly UW doesn’t mail out an acceptance package … after all the time effort applicants put into their application, one would hope that the university would be gracious enough to reward an acceptance with a physical acknowledgment.

They do, or did as of last month.

@bh8690. Not sure who you talked to, but we received a mailed packet from UW in mid January…

@aewlmom Was accepted in the first wave, in December (OOS); will call again.

About that “time and effort”. Online I presume, with spellchecker, perhaps the Common App et al. Hardly the effort required years ago. Good to recheck.

Does anyone get how the “New Student To-Do List” app on MyUW works?

Like under “Financial Tasks-Apply for Financial Aid 2020-21” mine says, “Incomplete” but I turned in the FASFA and my scholarship applications a while ago. Is the purpose just to serve as a reminder?

My DC is admitted to CS in L&S. We received a email asking us to take a placement test. Does anyone know about this? Also Is it compulsory for everyone who gets admitted to CS or do they pick and choose.

@staycalm123 do you mean the English and Math placement tests? Because if so yeah I think everyone has to take those, even if you already have college credits.

@staycalm123 , We got the email too. Chem major

@staycalm123 all freshman are required to take the math, english, foreign language(if planning on taking one in college) placement exams even if you have received credit, ie AP Calculus AB credit, etc. My daughter’s major of choice is Mathematics and she just received the email too.

i know this is late, but deferred from CLS. oos (nd), 30 act, 3.9/4.2 gpa. didn’t meet the foreign language requirement so wondering if that is why :frowning: hoping to hear back soon!

You weren’t outright denied admission so you’ll just have to wait and see if there is room for you.

Does anyone know when do RD decisions come out?

Do deferrals typically turn into waitlists? My high school gpa is a 3.87. First semester of senior year I got a 4.4 . Do I have a shot at getting in?

(I was deferred btw)

Deferral means being put in the regular timeline decision group. It means not getting an early accepted/denied notice. Numbers in this pool depend on how many applied before the (final) deadline but after the early one. Applications are considered based on the strength of all applicants not already offered admission, no preference for early applying.

The waitlist comes out after the regular decision announcement time- it is a list of those potentially offered admission as those who accepted admission change their minds and their spots become available. It could be into midsummer. A domino effect as people find out they can go to their preferred schools after being on a waiting list and then decline the other one for example. May 1st is the traditional need to reply date. I imagine there is some change as students and their families consider finances et al. during April.

Patience is required. Ignore college admissions for now and enjoy your final year of HS.

I was accepted EA in December from out of state into the college of letters and science as an english major. I was wondering if the school has already offered all scholarships or if I still have a chance of receiving one.
Are all L&S scholarships already offered? Is there any benefit to waiting still?