University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

I think it does because they are maintaining the by the 31st story so it must be today

Some but not all?

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Most but not all.

Their wording is still so unclear! Ahhā€¦ Good luck to everyone.


I interpreted it as they had an unprecedented amount of decisions that they have worked tiredly to release by the 31st. Not as they are releasing most but not all

I think all of them are coming out tonight but in batches. The Instagram stuck with January 31st but couldnā€™t give us a specific time so thatā€™s why I think they are coming in waves. But it also said refrain from checking the portal until you get an email about your decision so that way it avoids crashing.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking.

Whatā€™s the admissions insta username?

UW-Madison Admissions


it isnā€™t even letting me log into the portal any more

just wait guys, it will go way faster.

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I know itā€™s hard not to but donā€™t check the portal a lot. Imagine if it crashed and the decisions didnā€™t come out because of that. Iā€™m not saying that will happen but I would rather be on the safe side


Iā€™m confused why would they say they canā€™t state a specific date the decisions will be out but then say that they will be out 1/31?


And thatā€™s literally today :joy:

Is there anyone else here who has the new student checklist etcā€¦but canā€™t get on an admissions webinar? Iā€™m so worried. I was feeling so positive. This am I was able to get on and I had the congratulations & everything. Now it wonā€™t let me on.

I have to stop reading these posts lol. Iā€™m going out of my mind

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sooo, their post on their instagram was super vague. just sounds like a copy-paste bs apology letter to me. Are they releasing decisions tonight, or not??? ā€œAs much as we would like to provide specific details on the date and time of release, we cannot. We can only let you know of the date by which you will receive your admissionā€ If I wrote this in an essay my english teacher would crucify me


The ig post contradicted itself however it sounds like there will be a batch tonight.


It was a terribly worded post. Just really bad.


Yes. I feel like my objection to their loose wording has been officially validated. They are terrible communicators.