University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

i think it meant we can’t give a date AND time, we can only give a date. poorly worded but not incorrect


I’m worried those of us from small admit states may not hear tonight!!!

Any others from Texas around ?


Anyone here who applied from PA?

Yes! PA parent here

Does having access to this website Visit Bucky - Login | Office of Admissions and Recruitment - University of Wisconsin-Madison
and seeing congratulations “my name” mean I am in?

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Texas here for my daughter


That Instagram post was really painful.

Just say if the EA decisions will be released today or not. If you can’t say what time, just say that.

Most of that lengthy post was unnecessary.

And it’s still not clear what is happening.

Brevity and clarity are needed at this point.


Terribly written. After reading it 3x, my take is: they did not publish the “date AND time” of the release, only the “date” which they have worked hard to make. If the TIME of the release was communicated, their system would crash from everyone logging it at the same time and then not everyone would be able to see their decision timely. So we should wait for an email to let us know the decision is in the portal and log in then. Oh, and it was careful to note rather awkwardly that the date includes the day listed. Ie, “by 31st” includes the 31st.


It’s irritating. The didn’t give a time or date. By the 31st means anytime before the 31st- so everyday since the 15th of December people legitimately believed the decisions might be posted. Saying the 31st would have been a kindness. Just because we are down to the last 6 hours doesn’t mean they ever gave a date or a time.

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How hard would it have been for them to say decisions are coming out today. Straight up say it not meander around it. They literally said they would be out by the 31st and today’s the 31st. At this point it doesn’t make that much of difference but I just wonder why


theyre playing with our feelings at this point


I know the waiting is hard, yet please let’s trust the process and always assume the best intentions. #onwisconsin


So what time we are thinking ? 7 central ?

i would assume, but i’m not going to check until i get an email just in case!

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We don’t know what it means, but it should say #futurebadger, not your name. Your name will be on the page at the top because you’re logged in with your Net ID, is that what you mean? Hope that helps!

I’d assume they start to roll out at 7 cst and might continue for a little bit into the night

They said they “released” a lot of decisions by January 31, doesn’t that mean we might not get em today

¨by January 31¨ includes today

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I have to say I’m really surprised by some the reactions ppl are having. I know we’re all anxious & on edge & that other schools are managing just fine. But Nothing is 100% guaranteed in life. They don’t owe us any promises about exactly when they’ll send out decisions I’m sure they’re doing their best under the circumstances. ■■■■ happens. I always interpreted “by 1/31” to mean by 11:59pm today. I know it’s both students & parents here but there’s a definite vibe of entitlement coming through. Ppl want things right away but sometimes it’s not that simple. It’s like patience no longer exists. I’ll admit when my dd applied we were expecting a decision before the holidays. That’s what EA has traditionally been. Clearly they’re doing this by state/region because that’s how they can do this efficiently while using a holistic approach, which to me is the most important part. I don’t mean to be antagonistic but let’s not get so darn angry about a system that is totally out of our control. And yes, that Instagram post was ridiculous and contradictory. But like someone above said, let’s try to trust the system.


They said they had an unprecedented amount of decisions that they have worked hard to release by the 31st. I’m pretty sure that means all will be released tonight, not just the majority

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