University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2015 Transfer thread

They replied back to my mail and they said that my decision will be out sometime next week. I too applied for computer eng by the way.

Ya I called them yesterday and they told me the same thing, the engineering decisions will be out next week.

Woohoo!! After 5 months of waiting I’ve finally been accepted!!!


I was postponed back in january and I am so nervous to know about getting in…are the chances of getting in good if you were postponed?

@huntermarie123 What is your expedted GPA for this semester?

@huntermarie123 I was postponed and I’ve done my finals today. So nervous right now

Hey guys, I posted on page 10 about my denial from the college of engineering. Well, on Monday I sent an email asking if I could be considered for another program at Madison, and I ended up getting accepted yesterday. Apparently the major I applied to originally was full, so that’s why they couldn’t originally admit me.

Weird! I never heard of a major being full!

most of the engineering majors have space restrictions.

Yeah. I was in the same boat as you. In-State. Junior Transferring from UCLA, Pre-Engineering GPA 3.6. Was denied from Computer Engineering and instead they offered me Computer Science.
I mean I was generally happy about CS and in-state tuition and what not but made me seriously wonder who they take in the Engineering department.
I am considering transferring between the schools while attending UW because I have too much math and science credit to be wasted…

So were you guys outright denied from the College of Engineering? Because I applied to Computer Engineering as well and I was accepted, but from emails from the school I found out that transfer students are only accepted into the College of Engineering and not directly into the major you applied for. I have to fill out an additional application to be considered for my intended major, Computer Engineering, otherwise I’ll “stay in pre-departmental status for Fall 2015”.

transferred from suny buffalo, college gpa about 3.4, high school gpa about 2.8/4.0, sat score is 2000. i really don’t know how i got accepted! but i am in! YAYYYYYYYYY

@Mongsil congratulations! It has to be the best feeling to get accepted! I have to ask, had you been postponed or did they just send you decision really late? Did you send in any recommendation letters with your application or anything extra?

@Hopeful1983 They actually rejected me at first decision with engineering major. And then i asked them if i can change my major for reconsideration. Then , they got me in!

postponed students where you at?! @xGingersUNITEx and @huntermarie123 @plaseletmein hahaha I got postponed as well and thought youd like to know I called them today to ask about the process. Seems relatively simple enough they said once you turn in the final grades you get a decision pretty quickly start of June. Bad luck for if you’re like me though since my finals end on the fucking 30th. I get my decision more possibly in 2nd week of June or middle of June.
Just thought you guys would like to know :smiley:

@jonjacobjinkle thanks for the insight!

@jonjacobjinkle @huntermarie123 @plaseletmein @xGingersUNITEx Thanks for the info! :slight_smile: I also talked to admissions today. I had a question regarding how to report grades and the person I talked to said they would be sending out an email within the next week with the steps to update grades.

The email will be sent next Monday to report grades!!!

@jonjacobjinkle @huntermarie123 @plaseletmein @xGingersUNITEx @Hopeful1983
I just saw I can post final grades and I’m ready to post it. How nervous I am.