University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2015 Transfer thread

Hey everybody! Just wanted to start a fall 2015 transfer thread for UW.
I am not so sure about my chances and would like to get yours as well as see where everybody else is at.
My stats:
Economics major
transferring as a sophomore out of state
College GPA: 3.80
15 college credits done so far + AP comp gov test 4 (3 credits) working on 19 more credits for spring
High school gpa: roughly 3.5
SAT’s relatively low 1700(not reporting)
ECs: Several volunteer work, political campaigns, animal shelters, non profits
as well as working for Bank Of America
One letter of recommendation from a teacher (not super close but on pretty good terms with)

So yeah lets get this show on the road. Post your stats and questions

Hey - that’s my name too.

Hello! I’m applying as a transfer for 2015 as well. I’m feeling good about my application, but of course I’m still a little nervous about getting accepted.

In-state, previously accepted as an incoming freshman
Applying as an incoming sophomore
Will have completed 29 credits by the end of this semester
Completed one semester at GWU in DC, currently attending UW-Milwaukee
College GPA: 4.0
HS GPA: 4.1
ACT: 28
Lots of High School ECs, have worked throughout high school and college. Currently in Pre-Law society, did a lot of community service through my sorority
2 Letters of rec from professors, plus one from high school
Double legacy: both my grandfather and my father attended UW-Madison

@abigailrg You’re stats sound amazing! I’m almost completely sure that you’ll get accepted!

That being said, if you don’t mind telling me, what made you want to switch from GWU in DC?, I’ve heard GWU is an amazing school as well!

@jonjacobjinkle‌ GWU is very expensive, and for me the price tag wasn’t worth it as the school isn’t all that great. Awesome location, but the school is so-so.

@abigailrg so I’ve heard. Seems to be true of a lot of schools in the area, Georgetown, American,etc

are you an International Relations/government major? That’s what most DC schools are known for and so is UW-Madison if I’m not mistaken.

Hi, I just applied to transfer for Fall 2015 as well! Chance me? :smile:

Transferring from out-of-state (currently a sophomore); will have completed 58 credits by end of semester
Completed 1 year at U Miami (FL), and currently attending Michigan State University (my home state)
Major: Marketing
College GPA: 4.0/4.0
Curriculum: took a breadth of courses (which UW-Madison wants to see)
ACT: (Not reporting scores because it won’t enhance my application; I got a 25)
Extracurriculars: very heavy

  • Pi Beta Phi (sorority)
  • National Society of Collegiate Scholars (MSU)
  • Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society (MSU)
  • Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society (Miami)
  • National Honor Society (HS)
  • Varsity Dance Team (HS)
    Work Experience: Paid full-time internship for 3 months after freshman year in college
    Recommendations: 1
    Application Statements:
  • Personal Statement: I wrote about overcoming my dyslexia
  • Campus Specific: I wrote about my step dad who was a badger, which influenced my decision to apply

Influential Connection: My stepdad speaks at the Entrepreneurship Showcase at UW-Madison every year and they ask him to donate all the time. He said he could make a call.


Hi! I’m looking to transfer to Wisconsin for next fall. I was wait listed when I applied as a freshman last year, and I declined. I had a 3.51 GPA in high school. I was in NHS, played varsity sports, interned and volunteered. My college gpa is 3.1, but I was involved with the rowing team for first semester, and trying to boost my gpa. I’m just super nervous to hear back!! They said April, but that’s so far away!

@rjs2828‌, someone who got accepted for Spring 2015 said that they heard back earlier than Wisconsin said they would announce it.

I just got accepted!

I am an accounting major at UW-Milwaukee, with a 4.0 GPA.

@njman when did they receive all your materials???

They got everything January 7th. I applied for spring transfer for the current semester and got denied. I went to a music conservatory last year (2013-2014) and came back home to UWM to get some academics on my transcript. They told me I got denied because there was not enough time for me to send a transcript for spring from UWM. I sent in an additional letter of recommendation and they got back to me fast I believe because I applied before. They technically got all materials August 2014 besides latest letter of recommendation.

@transfergirl1995 Don’t expect to hear before mid April, that’s when they started heavily last year. I am the first person to join the transfer Facebook page so I think this was the first batch.

@njman13‌ but they still made you reapply and re-send all your materials in again or no?

@transfergirl1995 i only had to resend in an application. I re-wrote my essays because they said they will look at both set of essays that I have submitted. Everything else I did not have to resend.

I was accepted on 2/27 as well!

Anybody transferring with a Biology Major?

Freshman UW - La Crosse
3.6 GPA After first semester, SPA 103, BIOLOGY 105, SOCIOLOGY 110, ENGLISH 110
(14 credits)
Pre-med Club, Biology Club, Snowboarding/Skiing Club, Volunteering currently at a hospital near my university.

Spring Semester looks like : Chemistry 103, Pre-calculus & Trigonometry (151), Ethnic Studies, Communications (17 Credits)

High School GPA 3.25 : ( Tons of Rigorous Courses though, Math + Sciences, 6 AP Classes taken total.

4 Years Varsity Tennis (team captain senior year), National Honor Society, AFS club vice president, many hours volunteering at animal shelter.

Letter of Recommendations from Biology Lab instructor at UW-LAX, and strong statement from high school biology teacher.

Statements are STRONG: I slaved over these puppies for weeks!!!

ACT score not reporting :frowning: 24, (I know its bad)

It seems like everyone is business majors, I was just wondering if anyone is transferring with a science major, I know my college gpa isnt very high, but I hope the fact that I survived a weed out biology course with a B at one of the better schools in the midwest adds anything to my applicatoin?

I was just accepted on the 27th as well! :slight_smile:

I applied after high school and was accepted, 3.8 GPA, NHS, Varsity athlete, AP student, 28 ACT Reported, etc. But could not go do to financial reasons so I stayed home and went to UW Parkside (I explained this was the only reason I did not go initially in one of my essays)

After first semester in Chem 101, Bio 101, College Algebra II, and Criminal Justice 101, I had a 3.4 GPA while working 28 hours a week. I had three very strong letters of recommendation. I was worried about getting in with my low-ish GPA, but I guess they took into account the difficulty of those Bio and Chem classes because I was accepted as a transfer! I couldn’t be happier.

And fyi I applied in Nov. and had all my materials in before Christmas.