***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

Are decisions still coming out tonight? As in you checked an hour ago…nothing…and at 10pm there was finally a decision?

No, mine came at 7

Now the the excitant and nerves have calmed down a bit here are my stats.
Tough classes, 6 APs by the end of high school
High EC involvement : DECA president as well as state and international competitor, student council rep, varsity track and volleyball, political debate club, and Spanish club
Part-time job as a sales associate
Two essays that I worked on for over a month a half
Two very good letters of recommendation

Heard back tonight in my portal at 7:00 pm

Deferred :confused:
International Applicant
SAT I: 1380 (750M, 630E)
SAT II: 790 Maths II, 740 Physics
IB Predicted: 43/45

Not sure how the essay and recommendation were, probably decent.
I had EC in sports, music and service. Quite spread out.
I took part in few competitions too!

Have to wait till February to get futher instructions.
I will get the final result by March end.

@sml1234 You’re not going to have a great time at a liberal university haha

@sml1234 The same way it pisses me off that Universities are biased towards American applicants, especially the In-state ones. There is nothing wrong in it though, but it does get a little demotivating for the international applicants at times :smiley:

@sunflowergrower Don’t mind if I ask, but could you share your Son’s stats with us. If don’t mind that is :slight_smile:

New SAT-1420(790 in math)
Subject tests - Math level 2-790, Physics-800
Decent ECs
Amazing recommendation letter

When did you find out since you’re OOS?

Daughter just accepted. 30 ACT, 3.65 UW. In state. Played three sports, worked two jobs. Main essay was really well done. Took 2-3 IB/AP classes each semester, but did have three Cs (two in math, other in IB Bio HL) over the course of her career, so I was expecting postponement at best since UW seems to weight GPA more than ACT. Goes to show UW is never a safe school, unpredictable, and truly holistic in looking at applications. On stats alone, my daughter is an average UW applicant, but working, doing extracurriculars and holding down a pretty good academic performance amid those other things must have showed she’s willing to work hard and have a life balance. We are thrilled. She’s decide between that and Minnesota but we are hoping for Madison.

INSTATE GOT ACCEPTED TO MY DREAM COLLEGE! 3.7 GPA and 30 on the ACT. good extracurriculars including sports and involved with lots of volunteer stuff! also good essays and recs. So excited! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE! #ONWISCONSIN

@Kashish So sorry to hear that! I’m sure you will end up in a great place tho!

Hoping to hear back tomorrow night for MN residents!

How are people getting accepted with 27s in state but rejected with 1400s OOS? Is it really that competitive OOS? Makes me so nervous!

The 1420 SAT from recent OOS poster reporting rejection didn’t list GPA. 30 ACT on average for OOS vs 28 ACT for in state so it’s not that different. Don’t despair. Chances are the poster’s GPA didn’t meet requirements.

Son got accepted right at 7 pm. He was playing a basketball game so I couldn’t tell him right away. Next thing I know he collapsed and dislocated his knee. After an ambulance ride and having his knee put back into place, we are finally home! Anyway, here are his stats:

In State
ACT = 29
GPA = 3.97 uw
3 sport athlete
Badger Boys State, National Honor Society, FBLA, other leadership things
Good letters of recommendation

He got accepted to Ohio State back in November. Now the decision making!

re post #545. Of course public U’s are biased towards their own residents. Likewise to Americans. It is a great testament to US universities that those from other countries want to study here. But- our first obligations are for educating our own residents. Foreign students enhance our education but are not the purpose of our schools.

Does EA result come out? when will RD result come out?

Ya boi did it!
I’m international too!
On Wisconsin!

My son’s stats :
Deferred in state
27 Act, 3.7 gpa
Two varsity sports and a job

Knew it was a stretch, so not surprised he was deferred.