Unranked High School Admissions

Hello everyone,
My high school has changed to a non-ranking high school (due to how competitive it is), and I am wondering if this will effect my chances of getting accepted into Texas A&M. I assume they will look at my application holistically, but don’t they have a set number of people they admit by this holistic review?

I have a good GPA and test scores, so i’m not concerned about this (above average for gpa and well above for sat). Will there be an emphasis on extra curriculars?

Thanks in advance!

I also looked at the academic admit option, but since it requires you be in the top 25% of your class and my school doesn’t rank, I’m not sure how to go about this.

Admissions will assign you a class rank quartile based on your GPA and some other factors I believe.

For schools that don’t rank, your school has to send a school profile. They use the profile and GPA to assign rank. My son was assigned top quartile, and was an academic admit.

Thanks for all the responses!

My school profile (which I have access to) does not include gpa information. It just includes the percentiles for ACT and SAT scores. Do you think my rank will then be determined by my test scores compared to everyone else at my school since gpa information is not avaliable? While my GPA is probably in the top 25% of my class, since I got a 29 ACT, and the school average is 29.5, would I be ranked bottom 50%?