<p>Does anyone have a jazz audition at University of North Texas (UNT) this Saturday or is that too personal a question? Just wondering if we'll have fellow CCers there. We're in "sunny" southwest Georgia and are having to travel in snow for the first part of our trip. I feel crazy even saying that --- it hasn't snowed but twice here in the past 12 years! But we have ice and snow here through tomorrow. Not sure when it will melt.
Does anyone have any specific tips for auditions at UNT?
Anyway, fingers crossed and for everyone who does have an audition this weekend, there or elsewhere, break a leg!!!</p>
<p>Shellybean, good luck to your son Saturday at UNT. Weather should be much more “normal” for Texas over the weekend. I don’t have audition specifics but the facilities are beautiful. Murchison PAC is amazing. Jazz program is awesome. Local radio station FM 88.1 “plays jazz, pass it on” is produced on the UNT campus. Looking forward to hearing your review of audition day. Enjoy! </p>