<p>Third thread on forum...I really hope to get some opinions.
I moved to US in the end(last month) of my junior year without any Eng. skills, so I didnt have time for clubs/EC's or sports. I am from Iran, but I grew up in Russia. My GPA is currently 4.17, but its just my GPA from the last month of junior year. All my grades there were A's(5's). In summer I did 180hour volunteering @ dentist's office and shadowed a neurologist in University Of Chicago Medical Center for 60 hours(1 month). Currently I'm taking 3 AP's (Chemistry, Biology, Calculus) and some crappy courses required for graduation in IL. All my grades are A now and I am pretty sure they will stay A. My ACT score is 30(34 science, 34 Math, 25 Reading, 27 English), but I am taking it again in few days. Also I am taking 3 SAT II in December (Physics, Chemistry, Math). And I am a Permanent Resident. Do I have any chances to get it? Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.
I am also applying for Yale, so if it's okay, please tell me my chances for them too</p>
<p>I can’t comment on your chances, but I did know one student at Harvard with kind of a similar story (no experience with English, but made straight A’s after immigrating to America). I can tell you that your English fluency and writing skills are very, very important. Any time you spend improving your written English is going to serve you well in college, wherever you end up.</p>
<p>@ Hanna
everyone looks confused after hearing my “lifestory” lol:/ even northwestern admission counselor looked confused when I visited NW. thx for response tho</p>
<p>I feel so desperate… No one can tell me anything my chances to ANY school because of my situation.
Even admission offices of schools:/</p>
<p>Take a deep breath, and review the situation when your SAT II scores come in. Your Reading and English scores are low now, see what happens with the new ACT scores. Do not fixate on Harvard and Yale, your chances are not high. Look at schools where your current stats fit in the 50-75th percentiles.</p>
<p>I already took 2 SAT II’s. I got my results yesterday yesterday. I thought that I failed it but my scores weren’t that bad… 800 Chemistry, 790 Physics</p>
<p>I will take 3rd one (MATH II) in december and retake Physics…</p>
<p>Retaking a 790 is probably not worth it. I’d focus on other aspects of the application (essays, for example) if I were you.</p>
Something doesn’t seem quite legit here. Anyway, I just want to reiterate that you should definitely be looking at more realistic schools, not that you shouldn’t shoot for some dream schools.</p>
<p>Just saw my new ACT scores on act website!!!
33 composite score(36 Math 36 Science 31 English 29 Reading)… I wish I was here for all high school years… Thx all for replying in topic:)</p>