Unusual Midschool Background. Worthy of Additional Section on Common App?

I wanted your opinions on whether I should put my background history in the additional info section of my common app. From third grade onwards, I was sent to a religious institution where I was to memorize the Quran, a six hundred and fourteen page book. While at the institution, I devoted all my time to the memorization of the Quran, so much so that I only spent a maximum of two hours daily on my academics (only Math and English). When I finished memorizing the Quran, I entered my local high school. My grades were slightly low during my underclassmen years and my coursework wasn't every rigorous. During my junior year, I finally adapted to the high school environment and began to excel. As a senior, I am taking 5 APs and have a 4.0 GPA. I wrote an essay eloquently explaining this in about 600 words. I want to get into an Ivy League School. Should I put this in the additional section of my common app? </p>

<p>Yes. Include this story! </p>