Unusual Situation

<p>I will be applying to colleges come fall but my financial situation is peculiar - in my belief anyways. My parents are divorced and my father is supposed to pay child support. I say supposed to as he has returned to the Philippines last December (in what he believes permanently) and refuses to pay child support. Meanwhile, my mother makes about $32k a year and is petitioning my half-brother (who will be graduating from nursing school this month) so that he may come live with us in the U.S.
Now, will there be anything in college applications that I can address this situation or...?</p>

<p>When you file your FAFSA next January (assuming you’re a US citizen or have a green card), only your mom’s income information is needed. If she doesn’t receive child support you simply won’t report any. Her income is fairly low so it’s very probable that you’ll be eligible for some need based grants. You can find out about federal grants/loans on the finaid.org website.</p>

<p>Alright, thanks for answering and helping.</p>