Update to the application

<p>AdmissionsDaniel, is it o.k to contact JHU through email about a leadership position that I have forgotten to add on to the application?</p>

<p>Read AdmissionsDaniel’s latest blog post: [Hopkins</a> Insider: New Year … Same FAQs](<a href=“http://hopkins.typepad.com/hopkins_insider/2009/01/new-year-same-faqs.html]Hopkins”>http://hopkins.typepad.com/hopkins_insider/2009/01/new-year-same-faqs.html)</p>



<p>Thank you tanman for posting from my blog. You all should bookmark the Hopkins Insider blog ([Hopkins</a> Insider](<a href=“http://hopkins.typepad.com/]Hopkins”>http://hopkins.typepad.com/)) as there is and will be a ton of useful information posted there … including answers to many of your questions – like how to update one’s application.</p>