Updating Appeal Letters

So I submitted two appeal letters to two separate colleges two weeks ago and both are now “under review” according to their respective admissions offices. I submitted another appeal letter to another college four days ago.

Today, I received an award that I feel would boost my stock as an applicant. My question is, is it possible to update my appeal with this new information? If so, how would one go about doing this?

There’s no protocol b/c what you’re doing is so unusual. Most colleges don’t hear appeals. And ones that do, rarely change their decision unless it was literally an error (like a reviewing someone else’s transcript)

Hopefully you have been admitted to a safety school because your chances of a successful appeal are pretty much zero.

@TomSrOfBoston Super helpful and relevant to my question. Thanks.

Update the letter if you feel you have a truly significant addition to your application. Just keep it short and to the point. And even if you don’t want to hear it , I have to agree that chances of getting in off of an appeal (unless there was an error on the part of the college) are slim.

Agree with the above posters that the odds of a successful appeal are slim. You have nothing to lose, so go for it. The sucessful appeals I have seen have come from those accepted to a peer or higher ranked school and presenting that admissions letter as part of the appeal. For example an acceptance to H but denial at Y or an acceptance to Penn and denial by Northwestern. I believe colleges love taking students from competitive peer schools or even higher ranked schools as colleges want to be wanted.
Good luck with your appeals.

^^^I’ve never heard of that strategy working (curious if poster has any specific examples). The only appeals I’ve head that worked were errors on the part of the college admissions office. But I wish the OP good luck and hope he/she has a viable back-up school that he/she would be happy to attend in case the appeal doesn’t work out.

Good luck, uc1871! It is somewhat funny to think of a university website that might have a button you can click to revise your appeal!

funfatdaddy’s suggestion may work for admitted students trying to get another elite school to match financial aid. It would not work to get a denial turned into an acceptance.