UPenn accepted/current students: How'd You Do It?

<p>I want to know how you made it in and if you have any tips/suggestions/warnings about admissions as well as high school curriculum leading up to applying :) Thanks!</p>

<p>There’s lots of threads the give these tips, but there is no surefire way to get into these schools. Posting the same thread in 8 different forums, especially, will not help you gain admittance.</p>

<p>the different threads are for, again, the different schools they refer to. Many schools have different qualifications/preferences. For example, Umich values AP classes more than honors, while Princeton may value well-rounded ness more. It all varies and that’s why I asked.</p>

<p>Actually coolapple1, ALL schools favor AP classes and well-roundedness over Honor classes and no-wellroundedness. So instead of having us FEED you the information, why don’t you actually browse the forums like the rest of us?</p>

<p>ouch^ & ouch ^^^</p>

<p>haha uh that’s not true. I know a cornell admissions member that told me many prefer honors because the AP system isn’t unique in some perspective.</p>

<p>Trust me, Cornell does not value Honors level courses to AP. And they really aren’t qualified to testify as to how other people do it. Any place that values Honors to AP doesn’t really know what they’re talking about. At least in my school, Honors is for kids who want to get “an extra GPA boost” but aren’t smart enough to take AP, just saying.</p>

<p>^Agreed. And likewise, unless by Honors, you mean something else such as “IB,” then AP is favored. The rank of rigor is simple. IB/AP -> Honors -> Regulars.</p>