<p>I want to know how you made it in and if you have any tips/suggestions/warnings about admissions as well as high school curriculum leading up to applying :) Thanks!</p>
<p>cmon man… there’s no purpose in posting this in EVERY SINGLE COLLEGE FORUM.</p>
<p>the different threads are for, again, the different schools they refer to. Many schools have different qualifications/preferences. For example, Umich values AP classes more than honors, while Princeton may value well-rounded ness more. It all varies and that’s why I asked.</p>
<p>This is the same reply you have posted in all forums! haha
<p>I know, I got tired typing it. Doesn’t anybody know the Copy & Paste option when everybody asks the same question everywhere!</p>
<p>Instead of asking, just browse all threads; it will help you a lot.</p>
<p>I tried but few threads actually have real admitted/current students give advice. It’s mostly from people who say the same thing-nothing new. But the personal insight is what counts-and I’ve gotten amazing feedback on that! :)</p>
<p>You have to realize that the people who get into the top schools got into more than one. There is no “unique” formula that gets you into one school. And your statement that Princeton values wellroundedness more than say… Harvard or Yale is absolutely false. You can’t read one person’s statement and say that “oh, he’s really well-rounded and he got into Princeton. So Princeton must value wellroundedness.” Well of course they value wellroundedness. So does Harvard and Yale and Stanford and Columbia and… you get the point. The person who got into Princeton probably also got into many other top schools, but simply chose Princeton in the end. While UMich values AP courses more than Honors, so does every other top school in the country - AP classes are known to be harder and more challenging. So your purpose of posting this in every college thread is actually misleading and completely pointless. Instead, you should just post this in ONE thread and ask all the students at the top schools about how they do it. Then, you probably won’t be flamed and get decent responses. So lemme say this again… there is nothing “special” that each college values more than the other. If you’re a stellar student, chances are, all the top schools will accept you. So you should want to gain insight at the characteristics of those “top students”. To find that, just go to the “Results Thread” that is posted as a Sticky in every forum, where each student provides his or her stats/EC’s and whether or not he/she was accepted. You can learn a lot from those threads. I hope you follow my advice. Good luck.</p>
<p>I’m new. Didn’t even know there was a “Results” thread! Man, thanks for the help :)</p>