UPenn Admissions Fall 2022

Is it bad if dates for all of my financial aid document are still the day they were received (back in feb)

My FAFSA and CSS status dates are the same as when they were submitted, I did not submit the other documents. Can anybody read into this?

The financial aid document submission date has not been updated for International applicants, myself included.

praying that they accept me after being deferred…


Lol this is great! I have no clue what to expect. My son doesn’t expect to get in but I am curious what the stats look like for those who do get in?!? Does anyone have that info?

They typically issue a high-level statistical profile of the incoming class when decisions are released. You can find data on prior classes by Googling Penn’s common data set.

Without the info on race, which is not allowed to ask, only academic records and ECs won’t accurately tell you who (excluding recruited athletes) can get in.


Penn likes internationals so I pray I get in​:joy::pray:t2:


Y’all only my parent tax return dates have changed since I submitted them, the rest have stayed the same. Is there any specific reason why only certain materials for certain people have had their dates changed?

my parent’s tax form also changed to yesterday as my submission date even though it showed a much earlier submission date in the past. another form also changed to a submission date as of yesterday. anyone know what this might mean (processing/reviewing financial aid app)?

What about students that don’t have financial aid? Is that an advantage at some schools like Penn?

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Upenn is need-blind only for domestic applicants. This means that it won’t be used against the applicant. This is not the case for international students.

From their website:
“Financial aid for international applicants is a bit different. Penn is need-aware for international applicants, non-citizens, and non-permanent residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This means a family’s ability to pay does factor into admissions decisions. International students who want to be considered for financial aid must apply for it at the same time they apply for admissions. Requests for financial aid after being admitted cannot be considered.”

Oh okay thank you for the very good information. Seems like a positive point for me not having the aid.

International aid-seeking male …

Anyone have any idea of dates for admitted students day for RD? Trying to plan out my work schedule for the off-chance that I do get accepted.

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Are you asking when they release the results?
That is on the 31st of March, at 7pm ET

No, I was wondering if they had confirmed the dates for the in-person admitted students events.

Haven’t heard about this. Would be cool to experience.

Did everyone revive the email last week with the heads up about decision day/time? Just curious…

Yes, my daughter received the email on March 24. All RD applicants should have received it.