UPenn Admissions Fall 2022

Yoo also international! But everybody talking about financial portal changing. I don’t have financial aid so still waiting till 31 March​:muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

Is there any international applicants whose date for finaid documents are being updated? Mine still shows the same. Let me know!

How is everyone opening their portals? My D wants to load her portals on my laptop, my wife’s ipad, her laptop, and our home desktop. She will have her younger brother click one, and for everyone to hit the buttons at about 7:05 to allow for some small delays with a school or two (she applied to 4 Ivies). Since she’s expecting denial at all four (she’s very good at math, and has done the difficult work of determining her chances are really low :-)) she thinks it might be a fun way to slam the door. Get rejected just once in unison instead of four separate denials. She’s going to be wearing the sweatshirt of the school she’s most likely going to attend, and of which she’s already been accepted.

We’re actually looking forward to this greatly, as a fun family experience with no expectations of being admitted anywhere.


Your daughter has a great attitude. My daughter also has 4 to open and does not expect acceptances but is happy with her current options and any more acceptances would just be wonderful surprises. She doesn’t really have a plan to open them but it’s nice to go into decision day without stress.


Will she be disappointed if she gets into one of the ones that someone else opens? Last year my son got into 3 of 6. We knew of 1 but was surprised at the 3. He opened all of his on IVY day, He did have a certain order but he would have been really disappointed if he didn’t open them. Good luck to her.


OK, this made me cry. :slight_smile: My stress is showing… :sob:


I think she’d be thrilled. She adores her brother (he endures her), and we’ll all be next to each other. So I imagine one would shriek if an acceptance did miraculously come through.

She’s very excited about at least one of her schools already, so I would say the stress level is fairly low. She would love to have options, and my sense is three of the Ivies would probably be her #1 currently if she were to be accepted.


That sounds fun !! Your daughter seems very grounded. My son actually said he doesn’t know how to feel about the ivy day. He has settled on two colleges right now. We are visiting both in the first week of April to make a final decision. Of course his chances of getting into UPenn are almost nonexistent, but if by some miracle he does get in, adding another college to the mix seems overwhelming to him at this stage. Not that he won’t be thrilled! I don’t know if it makes sense to anyone :smiley:

Best wishes to your daughter! If her wacky yet ingenious idea made me smile over in India, I’m sure she has a personality that any IVY League College would appreciate. So please do keep us posted about her acceptances.

In my case, I’m planning a sleepover with a friend. The decisions arrive super early morning in our timezone and we want to (hopefully) celebrate together.



Our GC is so good. She has been preparing all of the great students in the HS for this next week, getting them to hopefully embrace the experience as opposed to fight through the stress. She forwards articles to students about the schools they’ve been accepted to, highlighting fun or engaging academic and social opportunities.

Wife’s family has a few Penn alums, and one of them told our D that she’d actually choose one of her already accepted schools over Penn if she did it over (and she loved Penn). So that made D feel pretty good. I am pretty certain Penn would be a finalist if D gets into every single school she applied to (quality, proximity, and she visited a really close friend who is a freshman for a weekend and had the typical college experience, lol), but she’s super realistic. A monster legacy connection in our school was deferred (seven figure giving, had dined several times in a group with Amy Gutmann, etc.) this year, and that student has the academic chops to be accepted. So…we’re having some fun with it all!!


At my D’s HS, a strong student with legacy (mom and sis) was deferred from ED, too.

1 more week let’s goo

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One more week:) just got an email saying what time the release is 7pm eastern - good luck all!


Ah, portal is gone. Wasn’t expecting that this morning!

Replaced with this message: Thank you for applying to the University of Pennsylvania. Decisions for Regular Decision and Deferred Early Decision applicants will be released here on Thursday, March 31st at 7:00pm ET.

If you indicated that you were applying for financial aid and need to submit financial aid documents, you can do so using [this link]

Did you receive an email last night ?

Yes, but don’t remember it saying the portal going away. Just the opposite of Brown which DID say the portal was going to be unavailable after midnight in an email, but is still visible this morning!

everybody gets that email right? And the portal goed away for everybody?

I assume both things are true. Wasn’t trying to start speculation, just surprised this morning when doing my usual check to see if FA docs had rolled over to today’s date, lol.

i thought there might be a special group thats why. Lets just wait till next week