<p>Hello, I am a rising senior who is just beginning to ponder upon the thought of attending college. I received my ACT score a couple days ago and was surprised that I had gotten a 32 Composite! I was expecting a score lower than that. With that in mind, I am wondering if attending an ivy league institution is a possibility or out of reach. Here are my stats:</p>
<p>South Asian Male
top 10% ranking
I reside in PA.
I attend a public school. Not well known for its academics.
I want to major in psychology.
ACT: 32 E:34 M:33 R:28 S:31</p>
<p>GPA: 96% (unweighted) I don't know my weighted. Also I'm unsure what it is exactly on the 4.0 GPA scale.</p>
<p>Freshman year
All Honors</p>
<p>Earth Sci.
Algebra 2
Computer Apps(not honors offered)
World History
Latin I (not honors offered)
Familiy and Consumer Sciences (req. not honors offered)</p>
All Honors (unless notified)</p>
<p>American History I
English 10
Culinary Arts (No honors)
Latin II
Business Programming and Web Design (no honors)
Drivers Ed (required)</p>
All honors or AP</p>
<p>AP Calculus AB (year long)
AP Physics C (year long)
AP Statistics
AP Psychology (self-studied)
English 11
American History II
Latin III
3-D Art (no honors)
Health (through a College in High School program from Community College)(rigorous)</p>
All honors or AP (These are the courses im sure im taking) Unsure of the rest of the schedule.</p>
<p>English 12
Latin IV
AP Government
AP Calc BC</p>
300+ hours of volunteering at a hospital
Key Club 11, 12 (officer) (100 hours accumulated)
NHS 11,12
Latin Club 9, 10, 11, 12
Basketball 9,10, 11 (varsity)
Cross Country 12 (varsity)</p>