UPenn Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hello Mountainsoul,

Would you by any chance know what the numbers might be for the dual degree programs like M&T, LSM and others?

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As far as number of applicants? No, I don’t know the breakdown and couldn’t find any publicly shared information.

D got an interview request for a dual degree program. Does anyone know if these are screened first? Or are basically just a specialized alum interview?

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D got an interview request for a dual degree program. Does anyone know if these are screened first? Or are basically just a specialized alum interview?

Any insight @cody2018?

My son applied for M&T in RD and got the interview email very next day. So, it seems not so much volume of applications.


Think of it as your LoR from Penn Alumni. You should convince the Alumni to write a good appraisal from 20-30 min of interview. Most of the time, its a tie breaker.

Was your son’s interviewer a M&T alumni? I think that’s what 2Devils is trying to find out—whether interviewers are matched to applicants.

My children didn’t apply to one of the specialized programs so I don’t have any knowledge on that front. Their interviews did go well beyond 30 minutes though; both were 1-2 hours.


Yes. Interviewer is M&T alumni


Thanks for the information! Congrats! My D has applied to LSM. Nothing yet.

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BTW my daughter is not a gymnast.

Thank you!

May I ask which dual-degree program?

Specialized alumni interview, meaning they match alumni from the program with applicants to the program.

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Got an interview! Didn’t apply to a specialized program–just CAS.


We just got the email yesterday for an interview. Also, did not apply to a specialized program.


When did you guys submitted the application?

the date it was due :joy: :rofl: so jan 5

Hi, I have sent my mid year report , but it doesn’t show in the portal checklist. Is this normal?

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thank you.