Applying Early Decision to Wharton class of 2022- What are my chances of being admitted? Any tips to improve my application?
ACT: 34 (36 science, 35 math, 34 reading, 32 english)
SAT II: Math II-750 (will take again)
GPA: 4.0 unweighted/5.0 weighted (honors worth 5, APs worth 6)
Class rank: 1/248
AP scores: Chemistry (5), Calc BC(5 with 5 AB subscore), Microeconomics (5), HUG (4), APUSH (3)
Senior Schedule: AP Stat, AP Lang, AP Psychology, AP Physics (take 3 AP tests), H Multi-variable calculus (weights as AP at my school)
Extra Curricular:
Lacrosse: 3 year varsity, 2 year starter, arguably the best league in the nation (MIAA A), play club year round
Football: Grades 9,10
Investment Club (co-founder and VP): Grade 11
FBLA: Grade 11
National Honors Society - Grade 11
National History Day School Winner- Grade 9, 11
National Spanish Honors Society - Grade 11,
National Math Honors Society - Grade 11
National Social Studies Honors Society - Grade 11
Kelly Scholars STEM Program - Grades 9, 10, 11
Leadership Club: Grades 11
Newspaper Editor: Grade 9
student ambassador: Grade 9 (gave incoming freshman tours and they shadowed me)
Have worked 10-15 hours a week at an ice-cream shop since sophomore year
Private, Catholic School in Baltimore, Maryland
White, middle class
Would it be worth taking the ACT a second time to get the one point on any section needed for the 35 composite score?
Was getting involved in a lot more clubs Junior year after stopping football too late?
Any opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated!!
I would definitely say you need to raise your Math II score, especially since you are applying to Wharton. Because the people who Math II are so competitive, it is very common to get an 800, so you should definitely raise the score to stand out. What other SAT II are you taking?
I don’t see the harm in taking another ACT if you can afford it; raising your superscore to a 35 would really help you stand out. Also, you are white, so the bar is definitely lower than it would be for an Asian testing-wise.
Nice GPA + class rank! Also the awards are helpful.
Your extracurriculars look a little weaker (a bunch for a short amount of time), and I dont see any volunteering? The work experience is nice, but the lack of community service is a little worrying (thats a strong word but I couldn’t think of anything else haha).
Of course, these are just my opinions, and I’m most definitely not an admissions rep haha!
Good luck- I wish you the best!
thank you for the response! I forgot to put that I have 150+ hours of volunteering
Hey I think you have a good chance of getting in, but I would try and aim for an 800 on the Math 2 as well as get 750+ on another SAT II test. You look like a really good candidate and as long as you write really good essays that show you as a person and your passions then I think you’ll have a good chance of getting in. If you could also chance me for UPenn Wharton ED that would be helpful. Thanks.
I think your standardized tests are fine. I didn’t see however business experience for Wharton.
since I didnt take any business courses (they were all regular and I decided to load up on AP’s), should I try to emphasize my passion behind starting the investment club (fascinated by and love the stock market) in my essay and like how i look forward to exploring the business topics taught at Wharton or something?
My rough draft as of right now only spends like 2-3 sentences on the club
Maybe fous on how Wharton will help you achieve your career goals and what specifically you hope to accomplish. I’m afraid investment clubs are a dime a dozen.
yeah I’ll definitely do that, thanks for the advice and feedback!!
I don’t understand… if you have a 4.0 UW (All A’s) and AP’s are weighted 6.0, then how is your weighted 5.0 if you’ve taken some AP courses? Shouldn’t it be higher than 5.0? Because a 5.0 means you’ve only taken all honors classes and gotten A’s in all of them.
Also, don’t write an entire essay about stock clubs. No, really. It’s more cliche than, like, Asians writing about being in the orchestra or perfecting the piano. Like, out of every 10 applicants to Wharton, 15 are president/founder of their Stock Market, Investment, DECA, and/or FBLA clubs
I’m not trying to discourage you, but you should try and talk about how you’ll use a Wharton education to empower those around you and make a difference in the world. Spend anywhere from 25-40% of the essay talking about your interests, passions, and desires for the future, and 60-75% talking about how you’ll take initiative on Penn campus to make those goals and dreams happen. Make sure you stand out and present yourself in a unique way - thousands of other kids have those same ECs as you do. Make those ECs look like you’ve poured your heart and soul into them (and I bet you have!).
Anyways, good luck, I’d DIE for that class rank and GPA!! That’s my only weakness on my Wharton app this upcoming year unfortunately
my school’s a hyper-competitive public so… yeah.
At my school, regular classes like theology every year, 1 credit of PE/health, and 1 credit of art are required. So I had 5 AP credits and 5 regular, so they cancel out to a 5.0 Also, thanks for the advice on the essay I’ll definitely keep everything you said into consideration when writing it