UPenn Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

and then you got legacies and sports recruits so regular applicants for ed acceptance rate will prolly be below 5

but last year if it was 15% overall how would cas be 12-13 and wharton <10 if the overall was 15? am I missing something

This is all making me feel worse. OMG! It would be so messed up if u are able to tell if u were admitted based on the PennKey address thing
I am still on this after seeing @AP_CSA copy and paste messaging. On another note, maybe we finally cracked the system :slight_smile: Looking for any positive at this point.
@skieurope -----please help!!!:))))))))))))))

P.S. no offense, @AP_CSA -super happy for you!!! Just kind of bummed for the rest of us.

dont worry @AP_CSA is probably a legacy or recruited athlete

plus, anything that we discover will most probably not be indicative of admission. I’m with @skieurope with this one. they probably already shut it down, anything a 17 year old applicant can discover would definitely be shut down by an AO or IT person

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because every year the acceptance rate goes down, the year before it was 20 or something and last year it was 15

Yo @AP_CSA can you answer our questions. Like you’re literally making everyone on this thread go crazy

As I said, the data from past cycles has been analyzed. But more telling, I asked Eric Furda when he was still Director of Admissions. He had quite a chuckle at the thought that anyone would be gullible enough to believe that a 17 y/o would have a hack (and a reminder that this is not a new topic; it comes up every single year) that a far more experienced admissions or IT professional had not thought of first.


This thread has taken a really unhealthy and unproductive turn. I’ll check back after 7PM on Thursday.


This pales compared to the NYU thread. :rofl:


@Metawampe - you’re right! Ok. @skieurope - thank you. I think we can all breathe again and wishing everyone the best of luck. I don’t think addresses/emails/etc
means anything. literally. We are good! Positive vibes for all!!!

Well that’s disturbing. Nervous energy needs an outlet, I guess.

@Metawampe - there is no need for negativity. I think CC serves as an outlet and a collective data gathering for all of us. It should be a safe space where we can ask questions or just vent about this stressful process. We are all in the same boat.

i literally havent worked on any of my other college applications for 2 weeks and i got finals coming up the rest of this week. if i dont get in ion know what ima do

I know you’re trying to make us feel better but unless @AP_CSA is lying then why would they be able to access a Setup code thing while most of us can’t? There’s obviously a reason for that


@nadiahi - I was thinking the same but was really trying to hold onto @skieurope positivity.

has anyone else experienced what @AP_CSA experienced?

Feel free to put all your faith and trust into a brand new user whose very first post was to say they cracked the code. :rofl:


Good point

lets just all assume @AP_CSA a cap

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