UPenn Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Probably. It goes down every year.

I think your situation is also good sign.

Agreed. Will probably drop to 13% or below I think

maybe not, last year it was only super low bc of a lot of 2024 acceptees that took a gap year so they reserved those spots in ED



good luck!!!

Which school did you apply to and what major?

lots of people are talking about certain changes in FA status possibly indicating admission ā€“ is there any way to ā€œcheckā€ (get some early indication LOL) if you didnā€™t apply for FA?

M&T/Wharton, Computer Science (BSE)/Business Analytics ā€“ you?

Finance, wharton.


Am I the only one really nervous about thursday?

nope LOL i think we all are :slight_smile:

I donā€™t know about Penn but last year I read about these ā€˜gimmicksā€™ to pre verify a decision hours and days b4 the official deadline.

Many would say I did this and it shows Iā€™m in. Hours later theyā€™d say they were rejected.

Follow their timeline. All the pre movement you see probably means nothing.

Good luck.

Iā€™m so scaredā€¦this week is gonna go by so slowly

Legal studies & business ethics! Hbu?

CAS- Philosophy, politics, and economica


are most people submitting scores? ive heard such mixed stuff about scores this year and last year ā€“ everything from ā€œthey mean less than in years pastā€ to ā€œits a lot harder without a test scoreā€

Same with my D22!


I submitted mine. I think they will be pretty understanding of the situation overall, so donā€™t worry too much. They just want you to submit what you can so that they know more about you as an applicant.

I submitted mine but I think it mostly depends on the area you live. Where I live, we had so many opportunities to take it so most people so applied to the top schoolsā€™ submitted scores.