UPenn Nursing Question

<p>Does anyone know if the Nursing applicants get reviewed by the School of Nursing? Or are they just accepted through the regional admissions officer?</p>

<p>Also, do you think that less than one year of hospital volunteering in a nursing unit will hurt my chances? I am a rising senior... i start hospital volunteering this summer and will be doing it throughout the schoolyear. However, i have been involved in independent research, which is why a lot of my time has been taken up.</p>

<p>I would imagine the nursing dept. would probably tell the admissions office what types of undergrad students they want, but that the nursing dept would not handpick the students. It is different for most graduate programs.</p>

<p>I think more than a month of hospital volunteering would be very positive. Few applicants have done more than a few months…</p>

<p>Five years ago when my daughter applied, all nursing applicants had two interviews. One from a regional person and the other at Penn. May have changed since then. </p>