<p>My school just gives us one GPA and I think its weighted. Thanks for the support.</p>
<p>How many B’s do you have on your report card?</p>
<p>ithin that if you ED, you should get into Wharton. You should also get into most (if not all) of the UCs, seeing that you are in-state. That being said, California is in bad shape right now and the UCs are accepting more full-paying, OOS students. Good luck.</p>
<p>Chance me: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/957028-chance-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/957028-chance-please.html</a></p>
<p>Your GPA is pretty much meaningless out of context because of grade inflation. Go to your college/guidance counselor and worm out of him/her your rank (Yes they may not report it, but he/she can get it from his/her computer); if the counselor can write it in your school report to the colleges, even better.</p>
<p>This is what I did, and it’s really helpful to your application to do (if you’re in the top 10, that is…)</p>
<p>Thanks, I love the support and I chanced you back! Good luck!</p>
<p>About the Bs, I have 7 and about the rank, I found out that if you have above a 3.9 weighted they say you are top 15% when they report you to colleges. If that helps in any way. Thanks for the support!</p>
<p>Anyways, thanks again everyone. If I missed any of you on chance backs, please PM me. Good luck to all!</p>
<p>I think that your main problem is your GPA. If you have 7 B’s, it will most likely be extremely difficult to gain admission at the top universities. I guess it also depends how many students from your school attend top universities. When you say a lot, do you mean 5%? 20%? Also, how large is your school? For now, I would have to say
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)-ED - Reach
Cornell University - Low Reach
Princeton University - High Reach
Rice University - High Match
UC Berkeley - High Match
UC Davis - Low Match
UC San Diego - Low Match
UCLA - High Match
USC - Match
University of Michigan - Match
University of Virginia - Match</p>
<p>Top schools about 15% go onto Ivy League schools and about 20% go to top 20 schools. Thanks again for the post Eli140!</p>
<p>Anyone else? I am really curious to see what people think! Bump!</p>
<p>Profile looking good!</p>
<p>University of Pennsylvania - Low Reach
Cornell University - High Match
Princeton University - Reach
Rice University - High Match
UC Berkeley - Low Reach/High Match
UC Davis - Low Match
UC San Diego - Low Match
UCLA - Low Match
USC - Match
Santa Clara University - Low Match
University of Michigan - Safety
University of Virginia - Safety</p>
<p>wharton and princeton are probably reaches, safeties/matches for the rest</p>
<p>Financial aid will work against you very much. Colleges nowadays are very stingy. Even with students who deserve it. It is just ridiculous. UCs wouldnt be that hard to get into with those credentials.</p>
<p>I suppose that UPenn Wharton will be hard to get accepted in. Its just so many amazingly bright students (not that you arent) apply. They have their own companies. You have a reallly good shot though.</p>
<p>Cornell is supposed to be the “easiest” ivy. Albeit, it still is an ivy. I agree with JoshByron that it would be a High Match. And yes, the arbitrary nature of college admission process is condemnatory.</p>
<p>Could you chance me back? : <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/960287-chance-international-national.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/960287-chance-international-national.html</a></p>
<p>thank you! goodluck!</p>
<p>Yea, I forgot to change that I won’t be applying finaid to any of the schools, it was applying for scholarships. I appreciate the chances! Thanks guys!</p>
<p>Wharton/Princeton = Reach
Cornell = low reach</p>
<p>Nice SAT score. I would say your ECs are the weakest part of the app because nothing really stands out</p>
<p>Thanks. obviously its too late to add stuff now, but I can hope for the best. Hopefully one will let me in :). Keep up with the chances. I will chance back so post the links :)</p>
<p>OP, are you looking to be recruited for fencing?</p>
<p>It’s about the same</p>
<p>Thanks, and I believe Princeton and Wharton are the same. Also for fencing, I don’t know, my coach knows both of the coaches at those schools so it is a possibility to be recruited.</p>
<p>Another college, I was curious about is Carnegie Mellon. Any ideas on that guys?</p>