UPenn vs. UChicago

<p>For applying early to schools can I apply to both UPenn and UChicago since Penn is ED but not single-choice ED like Yale and UChicago is EA?</p>

<p>yes, it’s perfectly fine 10 char
but I do know that Chicago prefers that their applicants don’t apply ED anywhere (I remember reading this somewhere but it is still allowed. But if they cared so much, I don’t see why they wouldn’t make it SCEA.)</p>

<p>yes, you can do UPenn and UChicago. you have to know that penn must be your first choice though. i did and got into both, but penn was my absolute first choice and u of c was about 3rd on my list.
but you can’t do Yale SCEA, Stanford SCEA, etc.
have fun with the uchicago essays! they’re a BLAST.</p>

<p>can’t do Georgetown EA and Penn ED either.</p>

<p>And at the risk of stating the obvious, if you get into Penn ED, then it doesn’t matter what happens to your Chicago app. You’re going to Penn.</p>

<p>^^ Way too presumptuous</p>

<p>^ You misunderstood him. ED is binding, so if you get into Penn ED, it doesn’t matter where else you applied EA because you are obligated to go to Penn. it wasn’t a statement about chicago’s quality at all.</p>

<p>my bad, lol</p>

<p>well i does matter because he can’t apply to harvard, yale, georgetown, or bc</p>

<p>Penn IS better than U.Chicago, though. Chicago might be getting better, and it’s certainly within range of Penn, but Penn probably fields the majority of the cross-admits to both.</p>

<p>I applied to both early and got into both early. I’m now at Penn and neither school cared too much.</p>

<p>^ pls. explain. You applied to Penn Ed and Chicago EA, and Penn would not have cared, if you had chosen Chicago? Or do you mean Chicago did not care that you were ED at Penn?</p>

<p>i think venkat was trying to be funny. he means chicago didn’t care.</p>

<p>muerte: I’d agree with the cross-admit thing, Penn definitely has more prestige and has a wider diversity of programs it truly excels at compared to other colleges. However, UChicago is REALLY good at certain things like Economics, though if you want to do business, Wharton’s unbeatable.
I personally would prefer Penn.</p>

<p>Interestingly, Chicago has the best departments in pretty much everything. Seriously, a PhD from Chicago in almost any field can be a ticket to a plumb faculty job, as much as a PhD from Harvard/Penn/Columbia/Yale/Stanford/MIT/Caltech, to list the top grad schools in the country for most fields.</p>

<p>It’s just that the College, for whatever reason, is not yet up to par. I have no doubt that it soon will be, and when that happens Chicago will be at least as good as any middle-Ivy.</p>

<p>I applied to both early and got into both early. I will be at penn in september. i doubt penn even knew about my chicago application. chicago didn’t really care either (i think.)</p>

<p>haha yeah as long as your going to penn and you have the deposits to prove it</p>

<p>Chicago is for sure better than Penn.
Penn is perceived better simply because it has Wharton, it’s an Ivy, and it’s at the east coast.
Chicago has always been able to come very close to Penn in USNEWS ranking eventhough -it’s located in Midwest (most ppl don’t like to go to college in Midwest)
-it has almost twice as high as Penn’s admission rate (bec it only specializes in arts/sciences –> fewer ppl apply)
-not an Ivy (there are many ignorant high school kids who don’t know that Ivy league is just a sports conference).
-it isn’t in D1 conference…ppl usually hear about schools from sports.</p>

<p>You’re wrong; Penn isn’t dragged up by Wharton. Nor would most choose Chicago over Penn.
First the anecdotal evidence:
I do love Chicago, but pretty much all of my friends here (the ones NOT enrolled in Wharton, but in the College) got into Chicago and chose Penn. Not that there aren’t those who did the same at Chicago, but it’s certainly a much rarer case.There are 467 Whartonites/class.</p>

<p>Now the statistical DATA and proof:
From: [Penn:</a> Facts and Figures](<a href=“http://www.upenn.edu/about/facts.php]Penn:”>http://www.upenn.edu/about/facts.php)</p>

<p>There are 2,430 total kids per class.
There are 467 Wharton kids per class.
467/2430 = .192, or 19.2% of the school is in Wharton.</p>

<p>As you may have surmised by now, this means that less than 1/5 of Penn is Wharton.</p>

<p>This, plus the fact that Wharton’s SAT average is only 14 points higher than CAS’s, plus the fact that CAS’s acceptance rate = the overall acceptance rate reported to US News and all other rankings (<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-pennsylvania/636404-cas-acceptance-rate-step-right-up.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-pennsylvania/636404-cas-acceptance-rate-step-right-up.html&lt;/a&gt;), leads a logical person to believe that Wharton DOES NOT drag up Penn’s rank…</p>

<p>Would you disagree, and cite facts in so doing?</p>

<p>Dude, we get it, Penn is a good school, why are you so insecure? Is that why you transferred to Penn from Cornell…b/c Cornell is ranked outside of the top 10? The University of Chicago, in my experience is more well known internationally.</p>