Urbana-Champaign vs Madison

<p>Hmmmm??? These are the two schools i'm in so far. I originally declared journalism as my major when applying, but i'm having second thoughts now. I'll either go pre-med or pre-law, though i'm leaning more towards pre-law. As for a major, i'm not sure...it definitely won't be some science...something legal-ish would be nice...perhaps economics? </p>

<p>if i'm leaning more towards a verbally-oriented major, and most likely pursuing law school after graduation, which school do you recommend?</p>

<p>u of i or u of wisc?</p>



<p>i was just browsing their website, and i am really interested in the history of science major. anyone studying that? any feedback?</p>

<p>I would go with Wisconsin. BUt seeing you are from Chicago wouldn't it be cheaper and easier for you to go to Illinois?</p>

<p>it would be cheaper and easier for me to go to u of i, but if money were no object, i feel as though i would head towards madison.</p>

<p>but at the same time, my practical side is telling me that the majors/departments that im interested in can really go either way at either school...in other words, they seem to be equal so it wouldnt matter where i went.</p>

<p>the problem is that uiuc doesnt have a history of science major, only a similar minor.</p>

<p>between the two schools, I'd give Wisconsin a try. They have a promising future.</p>

<p>well, i guess in my situation of being in maryland i see that they both are far away, more expensive and COLD!!!! The thing is they are both really similar from the research that i have done that deals with business. They both are tied at 12 on the business charts from USnews they rank 4 and 5 in both real estate and insurance but I would give a slight nod toward Wisconsin. I like wisconsin more interms of environment and i like how they have a pretty good football team. In academics they are really close. </p>

<p>Really, when i think about and try to put myself in your shoes i think that being instate i would go to illinois. Not only because of the money but because of not having to go to another place. But hey you have time to decide. Go visit them both and keep on doing what you are doing which is getting information about the schools. Keep on keeping on and you'll make the best decision</p>

<p>well obviously ur gonna get a bit of a bias on this thread... but i agree - theyre somewhat similar as far as academic calibur... but visit both and see where you fit in.</p>

<p>I think illinois may be better for law...I think they have a high ranked law school as well.</p>

<p>law school is a graduate program, wisconsin is much better for undergraduate except for maybe Engineering.</p>

<p>I am in in both schools, and I'm definitely heading to wisconsin</p>

<p>Which has the better undergraduate business school? Can you get in to the Wisconsin business school as a freshman and should this be a factor?</p>

<p>Wisc business school is only junior-senior, though you have to take several prerequisite classes fresh and soph years.</p>