<p>I have a week left for the SAT. I need to increase my CR score as much as possible. I have noticed some pattern and will appreciate it if you can help me out.</p>
<li><p>I get EXACTLY the same number (4) of questions wrong each time I take a section. Exactly the same. If I can prevent at least 3 wrongs then my score will break 700.</p></li>
<li><p>After taking the test, when I review my mistakes, I cannot see why the option I chose was wrong. Even after a day I will still choose the same wrong answer.</p></li>
<li><p>I almost ALWAYS choose the wrong option when I'm left with two choices in a passage question.</p></li>
<li><p>There are about 1-2 no. 5 "hard" critical reading questions in one section. I get those wrong every time.</p></li>
<p>Any tips to figure out my exact weak points?
Does anyone have a strategy that can be used when left with 2 options?</p>
<p>HAve you read Meltzer’s The Critical Reader?</p>
<p>I’ve heard its not good</p>
<p>Can you give us some examples from some of the CB questions you miss. What are some of the reasons that you miss questions. Is it that you did not understand one, is one more specific than the other.</p>
<p>By the way, I think the Critical Reader is very helpful. I have a student who is using it right now and it has helped him.</p>
<p>@testadvice I tried using devils advocate. It improved my score alot. I’m around 690… eager to break 700. But only 4 days are left for the test. Maybe I should just cram as much vocabulary as possible…</p>
<p>Most of the time, I correctly eliminate all choices but two. One of the two choices contains a word that I don’t know. One word changes the whole meaning of the choice and I end up choosing the wrong one.</p>
<p>I have a hard time with novel based passages. I never read novels. In SAT passages, it looks like the story begins in the middle and I can’t fully understand what the author is trying to say in creative ways. In passages that are just based on essay / biography / history/ I tend to do better.</p>
<p>My Blue book tests are over long ago. From official practice test 2013-14.
Section 7: Q. 6, 11, 12, 21 (one passage from a novel
Section 8: Q. 13, 18 (author’s insight and attitute)</p>
<p>I would not cram as much vocab as possible in the last few days. You should work on skill and strategy development. vocab yields more results over the long-term.</p>
<p>Take notes as you read, nothing detailed, just a few abbreviated words per paragraph or two about the author’s tone, main idea, and/or key opinions.</p>
<p>Underline words that show opinions, circle road sign words or phrases that show the relationships between words “although” and “but” </p>
<p>For Section 6 </p>
<h1>6 - purpose question</h1>
<p>For these, I would draw an arrow from what is being asked to the part of the passage that explains why the author is asking it.</p>
<h1>11 - inference question - for these and most of the Critical Reading questions, cover up the answers and come up with your own answer then match it with one of the answer choices. Do this unless you see the words “which” or “following” in the question. For those, you can go straight to the answers.</h1>
<h1>12 - vocab-in-context - come up with your own answer here, students often will assume they are asking for a meaning of the word. They want what it means based on how it is used.</h1>
<h1>21 - purpose - see #6</h1>
<p>I would work on these and other strategies using practice tests these last few days. However, you must get eight hours of sleep EVERY night before the test. Eat a good breakfast as well.</p>