Urgent* Interview Etiquettes

Guys I think I need some help… So for one of my schools an alumni interviewer contacted me asking when is a convenient time for interview. The alumnus signed off the email with his full name, and MD.

So I replied the email with “Dear Mr. Lastname, (Or if I may, Firstname).” Blah blah blah blah blah

On his reply to this email, he started with “Hi MyFirstName,” and signed off with his first name only.

Now here’s my concern, if I address him by his first name, and did not address him as Doctor Lastname, is this considered impolte?

I was very polite in the actual content of the email and everything.

Some people like to feel rapport with the use of first name. By him signing with his first name, he has signaled that it is OK for you to address him by his first name.

That being said, it is never incorrect for you to persist, as a sign of respect, to continue to address him as Mr. (or Dr.) LastName.

Don’t worry too much about it. You originally addressed him as Mr. X and he, in turn, signed the most recent letter with his first name. You can continue to reply to him with the first name, but I recommend when you first meet him in person, see how he introduces himself or you say Dr./Mr. X and see if he corrects you.

If he’s young, he’ll probably be quick to say “Oh it’s just Y/call me Y”.

If he’s older, he might be a little less reluctant (but still might) say “Oh it’s just Y/call me Y”.

Oh and I ended my all emails with Regards

Okay and by the way, he indicated that he will be travelling during the interval between now and the interview, so is it proper for me to wish him “safe travels”?

Regards is fine. I usually ended mine with thanks. I ended my Thank You Note afterwards with Sincerely.

That’s proper if you so wish. It’s not necessary. Mine told me he would be out of town between now and then; I didn’t say safe travels.

Given the generational difference, I would continue to call him Dr. Safe travels is fine!

I already started using Firstname, so I guess no going back now. But I’ll be sure to address him formally when I meet him. Thanks!

Good luck, no need to overthink this. You’ve got this in the bag