Hi, I was just wondering if its feasible to study APUSH for the next three months before the test. I’m a Sophomore.
I was taking the actual class, but I had to move then I had to switch schools twice. My first switch had APUSH, but my current one doesn’t. I’ve only now really gotten to go back to APUSH with the whole move and switching schools, other than the few, brief stints that came up every now and then. </p>
I roughly remember the first half of American Pageant 13th Edition ( I tested myself with the Bailey practice tests), and I’m going back over Manifest Destiny then I’m moving on to Chapters 21-24. </p>
If I continue like this and due roughly 4-6 chapters a week until the test, with review at the same time, would I do relatively well, or should I just retake APUSH next year? </p>
I currently only have access to Cracking the APUSH Exam 2012, USH: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination 2010 and the online notes for American Pageant. </p>
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.</p>