Urgent! need help deciding between 2 nursing programs/colleges before August 1st

Here’s the financial aid for each school

Federal Direct Loan - Subsidized- $3,500 / yr
Federal Direct Loan - Unsubsidized - $2,000 / yr
Total Loans Offered - $5,500 / yr
Estimated total direct cost - $28,420 / yr
Gift aid offered $0 / yr
Loans offered $5,500 / yr
Estimated remaining cost: $22,920 / yr

UD presidential scholarship - $12,000 / yr
UD grant - $3,127 / yr
Federal DL Subsidized Loan - $3, 500 / yr
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan - $2,000 / yr
Balance: $23,868.00 (IDK if this is for the full year or one semester; am I paying 40k plus for one year???)
Pending Aid: $10,286

payment due (8/1): $13,582 or monthly installment: $3,395.50

I think for UDEL basically my total amount for freshmen year is $27,164 but the payment for fall semester is $13,582 (after $10,286 in aid) and it gives me the option to pay $3,395 a month until November 1st.

Here’s the financial aid for each school

Federal Direct Loan - Subsidized- $3,500 / yr
Federal Direct Loan - Unsubsidized - $2,000 / yr
Total Loans Offered - $5,500 / yr
Estimated total direct cost - $28,420 / yr
Gift aid offered $0 / yr
Loans offered $5,500 / yr
Estimated remaining cost: $22,920 / yr

UD presidential scholarship - $12,000 / yr
UD grant - $3,127 / yr
Federal DL Subsidized Loan - $3, 500 / yr
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan - $2,000 / yr
Balance: $23,868.00 (IDK if this is for the full year or one semester; am I paying 40k plus for one year???)
Pending Aid: $10,286
payment due (8/1): $13,582 or monthly installment: $3,395.50

Basically UDel is the same cost for you to live on campus and have the experience you want, as Rutgers Newark. I’m not sure it’s worth it to attend Newark. If New Brunswick emails you then things change. But considering how strong UDel is, the environment, the fact you like that environment - I don’t see an advantage to Newark.

I called admissions to check if my final transcript was received and while I was at it I asked if school of nursing at NB are still considering the waitlist and she said no so the only way I could attend the program at NB at this point is to go to RUNewark and do a school-to-school transfer. The alternative is to transfer to college of arts and sciences and reapply to the nursing program which is extremely risky and difficult. So I guess thats why its hard to let go of RUNewark.

Out of the two times I visited UDEL I wasn’t entirely sure if I 100% liked the environment. Im a city person so being that secluded from cities and stuff might be uncomfortable. and the lack of diversity also made me feel really awkward. Admitted students day was ok but orientation felt really weird and thats when I had the urge to switch to Rutgers. but when I found to I could actually go to RUNewark, I doubted if that urge was driven by knowledge or just fear of leaving whats familiar to me. Ive never moved or had a major life change since I was born basically so I wasn’t sure if thats the real reason why I had that urge to switch.

I thought you wanted a residential campus in another state hence my comment about a good environment for you. If you want an urban envionment close to home obviously it’s different.

(For what it’s worth, residential campuses offer students all sorts of entertainment, often for free, so what students look for is a neighborhood within walking distance. Urban universities offer less since the students are expected to spend time in the city.)
NB is done, so that’s one less thing to keep in mind.
Would you rather stay close to home, stay within our comfort zone?
Or live in a new environment and stretch a bit?
Are you having last minute nervous jitters or are you excited about Newark?

I think I want a new environment but not as far as Delaware and far from urban life. Thats why Im second guessing UDEL maybe. Schools like NYU and Rutgers NB were top of my list bc they are a new environment far enough from home to start fresh and stretch but close enough to not get a culture shock or feel out of place. I guess I chose UDEL bc it was the next best thing… but now idk if that was a bad way of thinking.
Rutgers Newark when you think about it is the better deal since awesome program with in state tuition but I think I was so afraid of having a “repeat” of high school and feeling “trapped” in the small town I grew up in. I was craving change in my life and wanted to finally have a social life and experience new things and people in addition to getting a great education (bc I know education that ultimately whats important). I guess I was leading by my heart and not my head.

From Newark, you can take a bus or Amtrak to Baltimore, DC, Phila. or NYC for the weekend. Also, Wilmington is not a small town. In any case, as a nursing student, you won’t have a great deal of time to enjoy the offerings of big cities, regardless of where you attend college.

By the way, the PATH train from Newark to Midtown Manhattan is the slowest rail line in the Western Hemisphere.

Can you please clarify: What is the “Pending Aid” from U Del for $10,286? Also, what is the grant for $3,127? Are either/both of those need-based financial aid?

It seems strange that U Del would give substantial need-based aid to an out of state student while Rutgers gave you zero need-based aid.

the grant is “A grant given on the basis of financial need and funded by the University of Delaware for undergraduate students” and the pending aid is the aid I will get for this semester one I fill out the loan entrance counseling thing online.

Its very strange. but then again Rutgers is pretty cheap so they probably thought I didn’t need the money and gave aid to someone who really needed it?

UDEL financial aid makes me a lil nervous since it seems too good to be true lol

true but I hear its really expensive but like you said nursing majors don’t have much time. and LOL no wonder why that train is so cheap.

My guess is that you got a merit scholarship.

Basically if you go to UDel you’ll be at a flagship, will have a residential experience, and a nice college town within walking distance. It’ll be about growth if you can handle it.
If you attend Newark you’ll stay closer to home, can see your family and high school peers, and when you have some time off you’ll be able to go to the city. It’ll be about another type of growth - less personal and multi faceted but perhaps more rooted in your neighborhood and what’s familiar.
The experience will be very different.

Have you reached out through the Facebook pages for nursing at both universities?

I don’t have a Facebook but thats a great idea. i guess i could make one and take a look around. Do you know any major differences between both programs like pros and cons? I only know basic info like nclex pass rates and clinical. I know UDEL starts clinical sophomore year but they want me to buy scrubs and equipment right now. they also make it mandatory to get a job and do a certain amount of volunteering hours which sounds stressful :confused:

also, Ive heard some people say its best to pick a school in the same area you want to be working. I do want to work in the NY area after graduation and I don’t want to get my own place in Delaware after grad so i’m wondering if this is true?

I think you want someone to tell you to go to Newark. Go to Newark. It is close to home. It is where you will be doing a nursing position after college. There is more diversity and more comfortable surroundings. The costs will be lower overall (no buying scrubs now, no major travel, near home, commuting possible, nearer to commute to old friends, entertainment venues a train away, city life cheap to get to, etc etc) You will immediately fit in. There are no real unknowns. There is room for growth and knowledge without so much new stuff. Make a decision for you, what you want and don’t look back. Nursing will be impactful to those you serve and lucrative for you after graduating from either so if you want NJ own it and JUST DO IT!

damn you’re prob right… I think I do wanna go to Rutgers after all but I’m scared switching will be a hot mess. idk if UDEL will charge me the housing tuition since its already Aug 1st. and I’m not sure how long taking a bus would take for classes if I commute. Google says a car ride would take me 25 minutes to get to campus but bus would take me an hour idk how accurate that is but I don’t think I could get a car at this point. I guess its down to transportation and charges…

I would be concerned about the “Pending Aid” from U Del of $10,000+ being dependent on loan counseling first. The merit scholarship of $12,000 is clear, as is the $3,000+ grant. Can you take another look at your financial aid package and see if there’s a description of that “Pending Aid”? Your bill should be for just one semester and should start at about $23,500 for tuition, fees, room and board and then each scholarship, grant and loan for first semester would be subtracted from that total to show a balance due.

U Del does not promise to meet need for OOS students. If they were very generous that’s great, but why not double check?

I guess i still want answers to those questions comparing the schools and the accuracy of info I got so I can see if its worth the trouble to switch

the balance says $23,896.48 and if I complete the entrance counseling and Federal DL MPN which are both done online through FAFSA website, it goes down to $13,610.48. it says pending because they are waiting for me to complete those two things before they can disperse the loans into my account. idk how long that will take or if its immediate.

theres an option to pay 3402.62 every month until November but I didn’t think the monthly installment would be so high. my dad is currently also paying for my older sisters tuition for William paterson so I think Im gonna sit down and talk to him on whether we can realistically afford this. I know its super last minute but I guess its better than being stuck or not being able to pay come this fall.