URGENT(one day to decide): should I double major in petroleum and mechanical engineering

Hello I can finish both degrees (double major) in exactly 5 years. Is it worth it? Or is it more sought after to simply get a masters in Mechanical since I am petroleum right now? I am a sophomore.

Also I have near perfect grades and I got an easy A in statics

Do you have some good reason beyond simply the hope that it will net you a higher paying job? If so, it would help if you state it. If not, if your only goal is to have a better job, the answer is a simple “no.”

Read other threads. There is usually not a lot of advantage to double major. If it will take an extra year, I say forget it.

No. Not worth it.

Absolutely not worth it. Get a Masters degree in that extra year instead if you really want to stay for 5 years.