<p>Asian Male from one of the more competitive high schools in Central New Jersey
GPA: around 3.86 Freshmen year, around 3.3 Sophomore year, 3.90 junior year
I missed a whole entire sophomore year due to personal illnesses and family obligations, and had to repeat. In fact I had to go back to China that year to resolve some of those family obligations. My counselor explained my circumstances very well in the rec. My junior year GPA dropped significantly due to a year of absence and I was just not mentally ready. rigor of courses is good.<br>
Senior Year Courses:
Physics Honors(B+)
German 4 Honors(A+)
AP Calc AB(took a p/f since my health is not in the best shape, my counselor recommended this to reduce my pressure. not sure if that was the best decision)
AP European History(B)
AP Statistics(A)
AP English II (B- or B)
SATs: 2180 first time, 2240 second time, super score 2300 780 math, 750 verbal, 770 writing. essay 12
SATIIs: 790 Chinese(moved here in 2001), 650 bio, 690 chem, 690 US hisotry. i dont know why i do poorly on satiis
biology lab aid
170+hours of community service
run my own language camp in china over the summer
research in science(waksman)
freshmen soccer, had to quit because of health conditions
Asian club(lol)
here are the schools i applied to:
Boston College(deferred early action)
University of Chicago(reject EA)
Michigan(arts and sciences and ross)
NYU Stern
Carnegie Mellon
Columbia University
Rutgers Pharmacy(accepted)
Washington U in St Louis
First generation college student, if you have other college choices that you want to recommend please let me know. thank you for the help</p>
<p>You should have no problem getting into Northeastern, they accept people with significantly lower GPA’s than you. I’m not sure about the others though.</p>
<p>thank you. but do i have a shot at the other schools, what are my chances of getting into them percentage wise. thank you for your time, i am worried i ll end up going to rutgers</p>
<p>it is northwestern not northeastern. sorry about the mistake</p>