Urgent question

<p>did anyone get in ED with an OK interview, not a stellar one lasting like 3 hours?</p>

<p>Interviews shouldn't last three hours.</p>

<p>Yeah, it's a casual university interview, not a 3rd round job interview with Goldman Sachs.</p>

<p>ok because the lady who called me seemed very terse and business-like, and frankly intimidating</p>

<p>i know im just being paranoid, but any thoughst?</p>

<p>Your question regards ED for which the result is known........are your questions regarding RD? Look at the NYT recent Sunday Supplement Article discussing value of interview at schools. Don't worry.</p>

<p>Many ED kids didn't even have interviews and were accepted anyway.</p>

<p>I got in ED and I had a 15 minute interview which, I thought, wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be. It's not weighted as heavily as other factors.</p>

<p>Oh wow. My interview was pretty long compared to your 15 minute one. We planned on having about an hour and ended up being there for an extra half hour. </p>

<p>At first when I was contacted by my interviewer I was intimidated but then I got there and he was laid back and really nice. He started out very positive and just kept it going from there. I brought my reseme and he used it to start the conversation off and we talked about different things and referred back to my reseme every once in a while to get back on track. In the end he gave me some materials to look at about Penn and still seemed positive about my chances.</p>