URI OOS scholarships

I’m helping my high school niece look at schools and it looks like URI gives OOS scholarships, but the criteria isn’t listed on their website.

Anyone know what test scores you need to be awarded what scholarship?

vamom4 This might help:


I got a 60,000 (over 4 years) presidential scholarship, and into the honors program and am out of state. I am majoring in cell & molecular biology. 4.0 unweighted GPA; 33 ACT; 780 Bio M SAT; 710 Math 2 SAT; 11 AP classes (5 junior year with three 5s and two 4s, 6 senior, all else honors except non leveled gym); valedictorian; captain of gymnastics team (gr 9-12); club gymnastics (5-12); chorus (5-10, 12); district choir (7-9); editor of art & literary magazine (9-12); environmental club (founder, president, 10-12); 2 research projects in my field (1 independent, 1 at a university, co author on paper, created an app using other research); gymnastics coach (9-12); science center aide (10-11); multiple awards for singing, gymnastics, school, & standardized tests; National Honor Society, town community service, & church community service; EFC >10,000

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