<p>Ethnicity: Mexican American
Location: Rural area in where school has only sent 3 students to top colleges
Income: Probably considered middle-class</p>
<p>School Info:
GPA: 3.96 unweighted
I have taken the most rigorous courses available
I have taken 3 AP tests: English Lang-3; WHAP- 4; US. Hist. - 4
SAT: 1870
SAT II: Spanish -790; Math I - 720; Bio-M - 750</p>
Varsity Mariachi (Nationally Recognized)
Varsity Soccer
Varsity Baseball
Science Academic Team (Team Captain)
Math Academic Team
Science Club (President)
Math Club (President)
National Honor Society (Vice-President)</p>
<p>Work Experience:
Summer School Teacher Aide for the past 2 yrs.
Helped football game announcer</p>
Highway Beautification
Cleaned Cemetary
NHS Volunteering
Prom Committee
Coached soccer team in community league
Played at annual town celebrations with mariachi
Church Youth Group</p>
National Hispanic Recognition Program
AP Scholar
All-State Alernate in Bio for Science Academic Team
Qualified for Outstanding Students of America
Honor Roll
Math Student of the Year (School Award)
District Champion in Science
Best rhythm section in mariachi
Academic Athlete of the Year (School Award)
Member of the 2nd Annual Texas Student Legislature Meeting</p>
Emailed by Minority Recruitment Admissions from Harvard
Visited the campus last year
Great URM type essay
Great letters of recommendation
Will send a mariachi song in which i play guitar</p>
<p>Thanks for the help and any advice/criticism is welcomed!</p>