Ursinus vs Villanova

<p>At the beginning of my college search, I focused on the more prestigious schools I believed I could gain admission to; however I eventually made the decision I wanted to attend Medical School, and I felt the "small school before Med school" approach would work for me better. I narrowed my search to Ursinus and Villanova, to both of which I gained admittance. Now, I face a dilemma. Ursinus offered me a scholarship of 20k a year, and Villanova offered 3k a year. At first, I felt Villanova was my number one. However, after visiting Ursinus I did feel I would fit in at the campus well. Now I am extremely conflicted, and unsure of how to proceed. I am curious as to how an uninvolved voice would advise me. So...what have you guys got? Thanks!</p>

<p>Since you are going to medical school, which is very expensive and not many get scholarships to med school and most use student loans, its important to get an undergraduate degree with the least amount of debt. If money is a concern now, then it will be HUGE upon graduation and going to medical school. With Obamacare we dont know what is going to happen.</p>

<p>Ursinus is a very well regarded LAC northwest of Philadelphia. Nova is a superb school. But other than sports, academically you will be fine at both and gain entry to medical school. If your epiphany is Ursinus and your heart is there and you think you will excel there (hint: gpa), then go there.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>