USABO 2010 - Discuss

<p>Oh just to clarify…I already took it too so I’m not trying to cheat or anything lolzz</p>

<p>hey guys. I have a question. What’s USABO??? :O</p>

<p>BUMPP ^^ 10 char</p>

<p>It’s the USA Biology Olympiad
The first round open examination was today, and will be administered until like the 17th I think</p>

<p>Anyone want to discuss via PM?</p>

<p>lol I didn’t miss out on anything then :b</p>

<p>This is like meadow36’s dream thread. Yay!</p>

<p>Who wants to discuss?</p>

<p>I would have responded, but I just found out what USABO stood for 2 hrs ago</p>


<p>Took it today. It didn’t seem too bad, but I may be a few questions off from qualifying.</p>

<p>the cut-off will probably be really low 25?</p>

<p>I’m going to take it this Friday… so those of you that took it (I’m not asking for details), describe in vague terms how it was? Ridiculously hard? Easy? I’ve been studying Campbell and Raven (even though plants aren’t really my thing, which is unfortunate) for a few months and am trying to make it to Nationals. I love bio. :)</p>

<p>Heh, I’m curious about general opinions of the test as well. No specific of course. lol. Compared to last year? Easier, or harder?</p>

<p>Does anyone want to give me their AIM that have ALREADY TAKEN THE TEST to discuss?</p>

<p>mine is tonyzhuang2005</p>

<p>I got pwned >:O
btw is there a guessing penalty for this test?</p>

<p>there is no penalty for guessing for SINGLE ANSWER questions. for multiple answers, the wrong answers will subtract from the correct answers.</p>

<p>this test was harder than previous ones, imo. </p>

<p>still, i think the cutoff won’t change since there’s more and more people taking it and it’s not like they will accept more semifinalists in it. </p>

<p>so i’m thinking around 26-27 as the cutoff score… so basically half right plus a bit more.</p>

<p>Taking it Friday.</p>

<p>You say it was harder this year than last? Hmmm… last year’s was pretty tough, the top score was a 39, so I’d be pretty surprised if they made it even harder (Then again, they made semis easy last year, so perhaps they’re swinging back from that). But I guess it would depend on what your individual strengths/weakness are (microbio/genetics/evolution, and ecology, respectively).</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone who has taken or will take the test!</p>

<p>The site is down and my advisor hasn’t printed the test yet. We were originally planning to administer the exam tomorrow (Thursday) but this doesn’t look likely. </p>

<p>Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do?</p>

<p>The log-in website still appears to work.</p>

<p>[CEE:</a> USABO Teacher Resource Center Sign In](<a href=“]CEE:”></p>

<p>Taking it Friday… going to be fun. xD</p>

<p>I see (from some searches) that phosphorylescence has taken the USABO a couple of times - you’ve made it to finals! Any tips for a newbie? :P</p>

<p>My favorite part of bio is hands down molecular bio. I hate taxonomy. Unfortunately, USABO is chock full of taxo and evolutionary bio. It’s going to be a fun ride. <em>cough</em></p>