USC 2021-2022 Transfer Students STATS & DECISIONS ONLY

College transferring from: UC
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No
Entering as: Sophomore to Marshall
GPA: 3.7 (Upward trend,3.45 Fall, 4.0 Winter)
Units completed: 32
Units in progress: 20
Pre-reqs completed: 2/2 (Writing and Calculus)/accounting/ Stat?Econ
GEs completed: 8/8

**Job/Work Experience: Internships (Compensated in Accounting Firm)
Essays (subject and responses)
650 Word Essay: Focusing on Marshall
Why USC Specifically Essay: I think it strong essay/ High school experience in SF as an international student
Letters of Recommendation: One from my English Professor, One from my high school Math teacher
Other Schools: None, USC’s been my dream school. Do or die at this point.

How I feel about my application: Emphasis on my being strong in math, accounting, stat,Ecn : All A
All the best and fight on fellow applicants!

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Congrats a lot. I envy you a lot at this point. Marshall and accounting

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Applied to Roski as 1st choice, Dornsife second
College transferring from: California Community College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: Yes and Yes
Entering as: Sophomore
GPA: 3.72
Units completed: 18
Units in progress: 13
Pre-reqs completed: 1/1 (Writing, in progress)
GEs completed: 4/8

ECs listed on app:
Founded an NGO w/ more than 100 volunteers
Volunteered as tutor, community manager for pages with 60k+ followers, fundraiser campaign organizer
School choir representative at international conferences.
National debate team.
International Debate competitions (Worlds).
School debate captain.

Job/Work Experience: Internships (Compensated)

Essays (subject and responses)
650 Word Essay: Discussed how my community college helped me find my passion (I didnt use that word haha) for biology and art. Personal growth. What I did despite the pandemic to channel that love for animals and art.
Understanding of you Essay: Wrote about a choir concert, and my first solo performance, I described my emotions and thoughts to show how I seek discomfort in everyday situations for growth. Fear doesn’t stop me.
Why USC Specifically Essay: Talked about the interdisciplinary curriculum. Mentioned a variety of specific classes, professors and opportunities for both majors.

Letters of Recommendation: A very strong one from my biology professor. For Roski, two LOR from previous art professors.

Other Schools: Cornell and Im looking into applying to University of Rhode Island and Northeastern University.

How I feel about my application: I feel that compared to my high school application it was WAY better. I wrote with honesty. Hopefully usc accepts me for who I am. :)) I am worried for my GPA as it is in their average range, but hopefully they like my essays and EC.

College transferring from: Cerritos Community College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No, No
Entering as: Junior
GPA: 3.79 Sociology (Upward trend, B in Bio and C in Stats first semester upon transitioning, but straight A’s for three consecutive semesters during covid)
Units completed: 54 semester units (60 when including AP credit)
Units in progress: 12 semester units
Pre-reqs completed: 2/2
GEs completed: 8/8

ECs listed on app: Democratic Delegate for (CA-38), Congressional District Lead for presidential campaign, Deputy Operations Director for Voters of Tomorrow, Humanitarian Aid worker for Humanity Forward (COVID-19 cash relief) and Compassionate Eye (Restoration of infrastructure in beleaguered 3rd world countries). Math and Vietnamese Tutor at my school and at local Buddhist Temple.
Job/Work Experience: MBTI Certified Practitioner and Master Practitioner for the Myers-Briggs Company. IT Technician for USPS/ Verizon when they were struggling last year. Practitioner of Type 360 and Leadership Agility 360 (comprehensive feedback instrument)
Awards and Achievements: Jack Kent Cooke 2021 Undergrad Transfer Scholarship Semifinalist, Cheryl Epple Memorial Scholarship Winner, 1st Place PLTW Engineering Competition Regional Champion, MBTI Master Practitioner Designation, Phi Theta Kappa, Leadership Medallion nomination (senior year awards), President’s and Dean’s list.
Essays (subject and responses):
What are your reasons for transferring: I described my struggle early in life, my traumatic childhood, moving and losing my dad, how I was in conflict with my family over transferring, and the struggle over self-image regarding how my family perceived me/ what they wanted me to do and what I felt was best. Tied my background to my major, and spoke about the future.
Why USC? Connected each aspect of my interdisciplinary major to a specific provision that USC provides, laid out my vision for the future. I wanted to pursue its Management Consulting Minor, mentioned USC’s repertoire for research, wanted to continue work of alumni Dario Nardi.
Interdisciplinary interests: My interests are reflective of my childhood experiences rooted in poverty- mother and father were ideologically torn, later in life I found the MBTI instrument which helped me understand why different people with different life experiences and perspectives fight/ disagree, I am now interested in its theory and have become a Master Practitioner. (Should have been under the different perspectives prompt now that i think about it)
If you had 10 minutes in front of a sizeable audience, what would you talk about? Our obsession over our material way of life, Economic value does not equate to human value and we should invest our time in people, treat people as a means within themselves rather than one to an end. We should redefine work in life in the 21st century.
Letters of Recommendation:
One from the Department Chair of Philosophy
One from CEO and Founder of Voters of Tomorrow- youth voter outreach nonprofit

Other schools applied to: UCI: Accepted
UCLA and UC Berkeley: Rejected
USC: Awaiting Decision

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Congrats! that’s amazing!!!

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College transferring from: Las Positas college
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No, No
Entering as: Junior
Major:Biology (dornsife)
**Units done:**63
Units in progress: 18 semester units
Letters of Recommendation:
One from my Biology professor
One from the vice president of academics at my college

Other schools applied to:
Rejected: SDSU (most likely due to yield protection)
Awaiting: USC, NYU, Howard
Best of luck everyone fight on!


Where to go?


What will your choice be?

USC if they give me a good financial aid package I love their unity, the campus is beautiful and I can see myself as a trojan. I love saying fight on lol. Plus the idea of small class sizes is really attractive as a stem major I need all the help I can get lol

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You’ve got a nice major whic is hard for me. I am sure will make it. I hope I will be accepted to Marshall.

I have posted earlier but wanted to update the information for I clarified my answers.

As of 4 May 2021
No SGR or Decision

Degree/School Applied: Real Estate Development (RED)/ Sol Price

College transferring from: CoC (College of the Canyons)
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No/No
Entering as: Sophomore
GPA: 3.8

Units completed: 32
Units in progress: 14

Pre-reqs completed: 1/2 (All after Spring 2021)
GEs completed: A, B (1/2), C, D, F, H) Lower Division Writing (All after Spring 2021)

ECs listed on app: Volunteered for a non-profit organization that trains service dogs and matches them with disabled veterans and children. While I served I was appointed to Vice President of our squadron’s Booster Club for 1 year and President of our squadron’s Booster Club for 2 years. My responsibilities were coordinating fundraising opportunities and managing volunteers for these events to raise funds to ensure our personnel and their families can enjoy our yearly end-of-year holiday party at no cost to the members to include free child care services. Furthermore, I was apart of an organization called APDFL (Ametuer to Professional Development Football League) that allows adults aspiring to develop their skills to be recruited to professional leagues. I was the Athletic Trainer in 2015 and responsible for the sports conditioning of 45 athletes. I personalized individual meal plans and weight training regimens during the week and was responsible for all fundamental conditioning drills during practice. Lastly, I volunteered as an assistant coach for my base volleyball team and head coach for basketball.

Job/Work Experience: I have served in the United States Air Force for 15 1/2 years and medically retired in August 2019. While I served, I was able to obtain my license as a REALTOR and worked part-time in Florida for 2 1/2 years. After I retired, I obtain my California REALTOR license and have been practicing real estate sales since 2019. So, 15 1/2 years of military service, 5 years of real estate sales experience

Essays (subject and responses): My essays were not the greatest. When I went through the application, I was not aware that the question in the Common App WERE the essays. It was under “Questions” along with one-word questions like “3 words to describe you”, and “your favorite snack”. I did answer them in a short essay format and I did put the most important details I wanted to express but not to the details that I know I could have set forth had I known that was the essays. I have been kicking myself since January about this mistake. But this is what questions I chose to express myself:

Essay Question: “USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Tell us about a time you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by another point of you please discuss the significance of the experience and its effect on you.” Response (in summary) I talked about being raised by my Filipino mother and African American father who ensured me to know not only my family’s history but the history of our people and though they were troubling times, it also made me realized how far we have come to be where we are. I also mentioned growing up in Japan visiting other countries as a young child, I was exposed to a culture outside of the United States and aided in the appreciation and beauty other cultures have. My exposure allowed me to excel in the military as I continued to be exposed to many others who had vast cultural differences and experiences and become a natural mediator in various groups I was assigned to complete different projects and programs over my time serving in the military and also benefited me in real estate.

Letters of Recommendation: Professional Recommendation Letter from my supervisor in the USAF. Also wrote a Self Recommendation Letter, (not normal practice but my counselor said he would apply it to my application after I explained that I was not aware that the essay prompts were those questions on the common app and wanted to further explain my passion and choice to attend USC for the Real Estate Development Program. I literally thought those were just short answers so that is the only thing that is making me nervous.

Other schools applied to: None. USC or BUST.



College transferring from: Out of state, public 4 year
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No, for both
Entering as: Sophomore
GPA: 3.8
Units completed: 16
Units in progress: 19
Pre-reqs completed: 1/2. Did not complete English requirement
GEs completed: I’m not sure maybe, 5/8
ECs listed on app: high school EC’s, community volunteer, and helped found an organization in my city
Job/Work Experience: 1 job, worked throughout the entire school year
Essays (subject and responses): personal definition of education, and scared of the unknown and moving to a different city
Letters of Recommendation: 1 from my Poli Sci Professor
Other schools applied to: UVA (accepted), NYU (accepted), Fordham (accepted), UW (waiting), and Georgetown (waiting)

Good luck to all applicants!

Though usc is my dream school, I think UCB is much better lol especially considering your major.

Wait so there are people who already got accepted?? I thought decisions won’t come out before 5/31 and I did not get the email asking for my final grades. Seems like i will probably get rejected and I’m just filling this for fun

Applied to Psychology, Dornsife
College transferring from: International student
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: NO NO
Entering as: Sophomore
GPA: 3.9
Units completed: 24
Units in progress: 13
Pre-reqs completed: 0

ECs listed on app:
Freelance Photographer, worked with 50+ internet celebrities, some of them have over 1million fans (totally unrelated to my major haha just for fun) (compensated)
Volunteered as assistant in cognitive psychology research
Volunteered in a program related to autistic kids and the special olympic
MUN in Hague
Etc (most are unrelated to psychology)

650 Word Essay: My passion for Psychology (especially abnormal psychology) and my concerns for patients; I cannot change major in my old school and they had an emphasis on cognitive psychology.
250 Word Essay: A short story of me and my mother who suffered from anxiety due to chronic pain
Why USC Specifically Essay: Mentioned a few programs and courses and the general vibe*.

Letters of Recommendation: A very strong one from my psychology professor

Other Schools: Admited: UNC Waiting: JHU NYU Rejected: A lot Waitlisted: Wesleyan

No SGR and decision as of 05/14/21

College transferring from: Pasadena City College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No/No
Enterning as: Junior
Major: Psychology and alternative is Sociology
GPA: 3.79
Units completed: 54
Units in progress: 10
Pre-reqs completed: intro psych and stats completed/ intro Sociology and intro to psych
GEs completed: A, B 1/2 (taking one of the classes currently), D, E,F,G (currently working one of the G classes), H, writing requirement, and language.
summarized of GE: 2/10

ECs listed on app:
I listed my volunteer experiences that I have been involved in since high school till now

  1. USC+LAC Medical Center Volunteer 2016-2020 (stopped due to covid)
  2. Children Hospital Los Angeles (also known as CHLA) Volunteer 2019-2020 (stopped due to COVID
  3. Camp CHLA Camp Counselor 2019-currently
  4. Camp CHLA Camper 2018 (I listed this experience to show my dedication to CHLA that I have had for many years)
  5. NHS medical club founder
  6. Medical club member at PCC 2019-currently
  7. Psychology club member at PCC 2019- currently
    Job/Work Experience: none
    Essays (subject and responses):
    why I am transferring essay: I explained how I have always had a connection USC (I explained it subtlety) Then I proceed explaining how I decided to go to community college due to the fact that my parents needed me to look after my younger siblings (4 of them). I went on explaining my goals for transferring and how I want to become a clinical psychologist and hope to see my CHLA volunteer badge turn into a clinical psychologist badge in the future. (I took up a lot of the word count I just mentioned few important details).
    Something important about yourself: I told a story about how I felt like I sacrificed my youth due to family responsibilities and then ended it explaining how I never sacrificed anything as I was truly living life.
    Why USC: I explained how I resonated to the psychology department goals and how I would reach them with study abroad, talk about a specific program that I would want to participate in to help the south central community my family came from, and how I would benefit from graduate school resources since I am first gen.
    dornslife: I talked about how I personally struggled with beauty standards as a WOC

Letters of Recommendation:

  1. my speech professor
  2. my English professor

Other schools applied to: UCR, UCLA, UCI, and USC
Accepted: UCR UCI
Waitlisted: UCLA
Rejected: none

No SGR or decision as of 5/20/2021

For reference, I am a second bachelor applicant.
The first BA degree was earned from overseas. (majored in film and theater arts)

College transferring from: San Diego Miramar College
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: No/No
Entering as: Junior
Major: Mathematics B.S.
GPA: 3.89
Units completed: 104 (From San Diego Miramar College)
Units in progress: 18
Pre-reqs completed: All completed
GEs completed: All completed except for one Political Science course
Letters of Recommendation: One from a math professor

Other schools applied to: LMU, Pepperdine, CSULB
Accepted: CSULB
Waitlisted: N/A
Rejected: Pepperdine

Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: no
Entering as: Junior
Major: History
GPA: 3.84
Units completed: 55
Units in progress: 12
Pre-reqs completed: All
GEs completed: All

ECs listed on app: paid internship, volunteered at a non-for-profit organization in Ethiopia, was part of 2 programs at CC and a couple at my high school
Job/Work Experience: none
Essays (subject and responses): I think I did pretty good. It was personal and I made sure to bring a different take on things. I also correlated my essays in one way or another to my major.
Letters of Recommendation: None

Other schools applied to: UCLA,UCB, UCSB, UCSD
Accepted: UCLA,UCB (for spring ;( ), UCSB, UCSD


ACCEPTED FOR FALL 2021 at 5:17 pm on May 24, 2021
Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP)/Legacy: no
College Transferring from: I went to a CSU first year and transferred to a CCC for my 2nd year.
Entering as: Junior
Major: Real Estate Development
GPA: 3.94
Units completed: 55 (only 49 are transferring)
Units in progress: 12
Pre-reqs completed: All 2 out of 2 (stats and econ) both A’S
GE’s completed: 7 out 8 missing category d

ECs listed on the app: paid real estate internship, volunteered at a medical clinic, 2 clubs.
Job/Work Experience: A full-time job and a part-time job
Essays (subject and responses): I would say 8 out of 10. I started on them a bit late but was very genuine about what I wanted to accomplish at USC and mentioned my unique journey. I believe my answers to the short answer questions were also very good.
Letters of Recommendation: 2
1 from communications professor
1 from sociology professor

Other schools applied to CSULB, SDSU, CSUN, Cal Poly, Vanderbilt
Accepted: All Including USC

Good luck to everyone! The wait is finally over, and I have to say hard work pays off!!! Fight on and if you’re seeing this keep faith you got this!


Was also named USC Transfer Merit Scholar! I don’t know how it happened but I received an email earlier today informing me. COngrats to everybody else who received it!

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